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Array example (List elements of array)

Started by j00n, October 28, 2011, 03:52:49 AM

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I'm posting this for reference / advice if anyone can tell me what I did or didn't do wrong. (it works though)

include \masm32\include\


   numary sdword 2,5,7,8,9,3,6,1

   zeroary sdword 3 dup(0)


   empary sdword ?,?,?



    main proc

mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, lengthof numary                        ; get amount of elements in array

.while ecx > 0                                  ; while ecx is more than 0 continue loop
push ecx                                          ; save ecx for later since the following macro might destroy (ecx)
        print str$([numary+ebx]), 0Ah         

        add ebx, 4                              ; add 4 bytes to access each element of array

    .if ecx<=0                                  ; if ecx is less than or equal to zero then jump to finish
        jmp @fin
pop ecx                                         ; pop saved value back into ecx   
dec ecx                                         ; decrement ecx (amount of elements in array) loop until 0

    inkey "Press any key to exit"

    main endp
end start


variation 1

include \masm32\include\


   numary sdword 2,5,7,8,9,3,6,1

   zeroary sdword 3 dup(0)


   empary sdword ?,?,?



    main proc

mov ecx, lengthof numary                       
lea esi, numary+0

push ecx
        print str$([esi]), 0Ah
        add esi, 4
    .if ecx<=0                                 
        jmp @fin
pop ecx                                             

    inkey "Press any key to exit"

    main endp
end start


variation 2

I'm pretty sure my c++ comparison is right.. if not let me know and i'll change it to save confusion.

include \masm32\include\


   numary sdword 2,5,7,8,9,3,6,1

   zeroary sdword 3 dup(0)


   empary sdword ?,?,?



    main proc

;offset = actual address
;addr   = value of addr
;&esi (c++) - esi (no brackets)  - address
;*esi (c++) - [esi]              - value of address esi

mov ecx, lengthof numary                       
mov esi, offset numary+0

push ecx
        print str$([esi]), 0Ah      ; print value of esi
        add esi, 4                  ; each element
    .if ecx<=0                                 
        jmp @fin                    ; jump if done
pop ecx                                             
.untilcxz                           ; auto decrement ecx until zero

    inkey "Press any key to exit"

    main endp
end start


push ecx
        print str$([esi]), 0Ah      ; print value of esi
        add esi, 4                  ; each element
    .if ecx<=0             
         pop ecx                   ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< needed           
        jmp @fin                    ; jump if done
pop ecx   
You have forgotten the pop ecx.
To avoid this sort of mistake,you can use  local variable and decrease it.


push ecx
        print str$([esi]), 0Ah      ; print value of esi
        add esi, 4                  ; each element
    .if ecx<=0             
        jmp @fin                    ; jump if done

pop ecx                   ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< or just move this one to AFTER @fin

personally, i would write the loop without all the indented code and if/else/endif   :P
        push    ecx
        print   str$([esi]),0Dh,0Ah      ; print value of [esi]
        pop     ecx
        add     esi,4
        dec     ecx
        jnz     TopOfLoop

there, now isn't that easier to understand ?