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QWORD issue

Started by cozofdeath, October 14, 2011, 01:47:45 AM

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I'm sorry but I just cannot find the answer to this. I'm simple trying to use the qword (dq) type to declare a variable. But masm will allow the declaration but not the initialization. It keeps spitting out:  "error A2070: invalid instruction operands". For example,

qwAge    QWORD    ?

mov qwAge, 0

But if I use the data type "LONG" it seems to work. Is qword and long the same size? And why isn't Masm supporting this? I tried using ml64 but it thinks almost every line of code is an error. Thanks for any help!


you can override the operand size with "ptr"
        mov dword ptr qwAge,eax   ;initialize the low dword
        mov dword ptr qwAge+4,edx ;initialize the high dword

i dunno who that variable is for, but they must be pretty old   :P


another way to go is to split it up

dwAgeLo dd ?
dwAgeHi dd ?

now, you can access it as a qword with qwAge
or seperate dwords as dwAgeLo and dwAgeHi


You cannot move a qword into a reg32, but you can use the FPU or an xmm reg instead:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\   ; download
MyQ   dq 123456789012345678
movq xmm0, MyQ
   fild MyQ
   Print Str$("FPU, ST0=\t%i\n", ST(0))
   Inkey Str$("Xmm0=    \t%i", xmm0)
end start

FPU, ST0=       123456789012345678
Xmm0=           123456789012345678


Thanks dedndave! That was quick. I can't get over how I can't use it like a normal variable. That kinda sucks. Everything has gone smooth until I tried to fill a QWORD in a structure in an accompanied .inc file. It seemed there was no way to fill it until you helped me. I never had to mess with qwords before. :cheekygreen: Thanks again!


Ahhh...jj2007 :U That seems like a creative way to do it as well. I would have never dreamed up something like that.  :dance: Thanks


For what it's worth, if you put the variable in the initialized data section you can initialize it like this:

    qwAge QWORD 0ffffffffffffffffh

eschew obfuscation



You understand why right?  In 64-bit MASM you can mov qwAge, 0, since 0 is assumed to be 64-bit and the sizes are equal.  In 32-bit MASM with mov qwAge, 0, 0 is assumed to be 32-bit so it is not allowed due to a size mismatch.  So,

    xor eax, eax
    mov dword ptr qwAge,eax      ;initialize the low dword
    mov dword ptr qwAge+4,eax ;initialize the high dword


You can also fistp qwAge from the FPU in 32-bit MASM. As in:

    fldz                ; corrected
    fistp qwAge

Hope that made sense.


Just to make it clear, the proper mnemonic is: fldz
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time



Sorry, it is fldz.  Corrected above.