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create delet a file association

Started by ToutEnMasm, October 12, 2011, 12:45:48 PM

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Is there somewhere a proc , a function who do this ?


Change the registry. Example: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\hlpfile and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.hlp


There is a little more key to create and a function will be greatly apreciated.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




@="Projet Editmasm"

@="E:\\Program Files\\editmasm\\editmasm.exe,5"



@="\"E:\\Program Files\\Editmasm\\editmasm.EXE\" \"%1\""


Changing an existing value is a one-liner:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\
   SetRegVal "HKCR\.ASC",0, "Assembler Source Code"
   Inkey "ok"
end start

But you want to create and set a whole range of values:
- Export the good & tested values from regedit, and
- use ShellExecute to launch the *.reg file.

You may occasionally have problems with protection - system administrators tend to protect the HKCR section of the registry.


i know what you are looking for, Yves - an API function that you can call to create an association
other than the registry functions, it doesn't seem to exist
there is some help on MSDN...


Here is the proc  CreateFileAsssociation who can need some modifies for special case
;pprjext = ".ext",0
;pTypeFichier = "ext blabla",0     ;view in explorer type of files
;peditmasmpath = Full path of executable file
;pnumIcon = "5",0    ;Num icon in the executable file
;shlwapi.sdk AssocQueryString IShellFolder

CreateFileAsssociation PROC uses esi edi  pprjext:DWORD, pTypeFichier:DWORD, peditmasmpath:DWORD,pnumIcon:DWORD
         Local  extfile[50]:BYTE,longextfile:DWORD,dwDisposition,Hsubkey,pshortname
         Local value:DWORD,sizevalue,phrase[MAX_PATH+3]:BYTE
         Local  retour:DWORD,Hkey
      mov retour,1
   mov longextfile,0
   mov Hkey,0
   ;------------------- erase old association ----------------------
   invoke RegOpenKeyEx,HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,pprjext,NULL,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,addr Hkey
   .if Hkey != 0
      mov longextfile,sizeof extfile
      invoke RegQueryValueEx,Hkey,NULL,NULL,NULL,addr extfile,addr longextfile ;defautvlue prjfile      
      lea edx,extfile
      invoke RegCloseKey,Hkey      
      invoke SHDeleteKey,HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,pprjext
      .if longextfile != 0
         invoke SHDeleteKey,HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,addr extfile
         .if eax != ERROR_SUCCESS
            invoke RetrouveMessageErreur,SADR("SHDeleteKey failed")
   ;------------------- creation-----------------------------
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,addr Hkey,addr dwDisposition
   ;.ext value    prjfile            
   mov esi,pprjext
   inc esi      ;passe .
   lea edi,extfile
   .if byte ptr [esi] != 0
      jmp @B
   invoke lstrcpy,edi,SADR("file")
   ;defaut value
   invoke lstrlen,addr extfile
   mov edx,eax
   inc eax   ;add zero
   mov longextfile,eax
   ;HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.PRJ = prjfile
   invoke RegSetValueEx,Hkey,NULL,NULL,REG_SZ,addr extfile,longextfile
   ;.ext OpenWithList
   invoke RegCreateKeyEx,Hkey,SADR("OpenWithList"),NULL,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,addr Hsubkey,addr dwDisposition   
   invoke RegCloseKey,Hkey
   PuPo Hkey,Hsubkey
   ;------ progname ----------------   
   mov esi,peditmasmpath
   invoke lstrlen,esi
   add esi,eax
   .if byte ptr [esi] != "\"
      dec esi
      jmp @B
   inc esi
   mov pshortname,esi
   ;----------- .ext OpenWithList   progname
   invoke RegCreateKeyEx,Hkey,esi,NULL,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,addr Hsubkey,addr dwDisposition   
   invoke RegCloseKey,Hkey
   invoke RegCloseKey,Hsubkey   
      ;HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.PRJ = prjfile
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,addr Hkey,addr dwDisposition
   ;HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\prjfile values   
   ;--Projet editmasm -----------
   invoke lstrlen,pTypeFichier
   mov edx,eax
   inc edx
   invoke RegSetValueEx,Hkey,NULL,NULL,REG_SZ,pTypeFichier,edx    ;defaut value  Projet editmasm
   mov value,0 ;FTA_..
   invoke RegSetValueEx,Hkey,SADR("EditFlags"),NULL,REG_DWORD,addr value,4   
   mov value,8
   invoke RegSetValueEx,Hkey,SADR("BrowserFlags"),NULL,REG_DWORD,addr value,4
   invoke RegCreateKeyEx,Hkey,SADR("DefaultIcon"),NULL,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,addr Hsubkey,addr dwDisposition   
   ;E:\Program Files\editmasm\editmasm.exe,5   ;5 numero icone
   invoke lstrcpy,addr phrase,peditmasmpath
   invoke lstrcat,addr phrase,SADR(",")
   invoke lstrcat,addr phrase,pnumIcon
   invoke lstrlen,addr phrase
   mov edx,eax
   inc edx
   invoke RegSetValueEx,Hsubkey,NULL,NULL,REG_SZ,addr phrase,edx
   invoke RegCloseKey,Hsubkey
   ;HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\prjfile + shell\open\command
   invoke RegCreateKeyEx,Hkey,SADR("shell\open\command"),NULL,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,addr Hsubkey,addr dwDisposition
   invoke RegCloseKey,Hkey   
   PuPo Hkey,Hsubkey
   ;value command
   mov esi,peditmasmpath
   lea edi,phrase
   mov al,34
   .if byte ptr [esi] != 0
      jmp @B
   mov al,34
   mov al,"%"   
   mov al,"1"
   mov al,34
   mov al,0
   invoke lstrlen,addr phrase
   mov edx,eax
   inc edx
   invoke RegSetValueEx,Hkey,NULL,NULL,REG_SZ,addr phrase,edx   
   invoke RegCloseKey,Hkey   
         mov eax,retour
CreateFileAsssociation endp


you can call the assoc command line(cmd.exe), but now I do not remember if previous versions before xp have this one.
assoc .asm=txtfile


if you wanted to go that route, create a REG file using the INI file API functions
then shell out to REG.EXE - that's not too different from what typical installers do
the uninstall files are made at the same time - more INI file format stuff

Yves has a good plan
although, he may want to add some shell context menu stuff (HKCU)
and a UAC permissions call for vista and the HKCR stuff