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Republican Town Hall Meetings.

Started by Bill Cravener, August 30, 2011, 11:30:00 AM

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Bill Cravener

The Republicans are getting hell thrown at them at town hall meetings, I love how they wiggle!

Unlike the young we seniors vote. Republicans, don't phuk with Social Security and Medicare!!

War, what is it good for? Getting rid of phuking Republicans, thats what its good for!!

What is the definition of a Republican? Answer. . .

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


did you see where bachmann canceled out her entire career with a remark about hurricane irene ?
give em enough rope, and they'll hang themselves
i told ya the tea party wasn't much to worry about




> War, what is it good for? Getting rid of phuking Republicans, thats what its good for!!

You can get a Republican kid to sign up for the army ? Thats only for poor kids whose daddy cannot find them a job.
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Bill Cravener

Hi Steve,

No what I was implying is there is a war against the Republican party thats growing over here. They say the damnest things such as Bachmann's "its gods judgement" comments and now Rick Perry telling kids that Social Security is a "monstrous lie" and other foot-in-mouth remarks that do not sit well with the majority of Americans. It looks to me (even though I wish I had another Dem to vote for) that President Obama's re-election is in the bag. All he needs to do is keep at his job as President and not say anything stupid. :bg

Bachmanns moronic comments that Dave was referring to:

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I think the Republicans are doing this intentionally just to piss off America. All these people can't be as stupid as they want us to believe they are. They know that the economy is going to be weak for at least the next couple of years,...probably, for most of the decade,...and, they don't want to be in charge of the debacle (for which there will be serious repercussions). In all probability, the Democrats won't come up with any brilliant ideas to salvage the situation (the Stimulus Plan is a mediocre solution to an impossible situation),...
...And, it's a well-known fact that most voters vote for whomever they think will bring them greater prosperity,...


If the Democrats can ever get the numbers again, they need to bite the bullet and get rid of the tax cuts for the rich. They did have a few people who supported this when the won in 2007 but it got watered down real fast. What is funny is that these imbeciles don't realise that the bigger the pie is, the more money they make but they are so stupid that they are still trying for a bigger slice of an ever decreasing pie.

One of the things that worked for OZ when the GFC hit was the massive input of money into the entire society from the bottom up and it prevented the economic damage that would have come from doing cutbacks and the loss of trade. Bush and his cronies really did get their economic theory wrong, instead of cutting spending when the ecomony was up and going, they pissed it against the wall on 2 unwinnable wars and when the sh*t hit the fan and US taxpayers money was used to bail out the banks that started the problem, the economy did not have enough cash reserves to fix it.

Instead of retaining tax cuts for the rich who then take it offshore, recovery money needs to be poured into the bottom of society so that people have jobs and spend supporting American businesses and American manufacturing. Leave it to the rich and they will drag even more jobs offshore to the Phillipines, China, Laos and so on while bringing in more imports to further PHUK US manufacturing.

Something you may find funny from here in OZ, the large retailers are bleeding at the arse over online purchasing yet they themselves do not support Australian manufacturers who are doing it tough at the moment. The only difference between buying online from overseas and buying the same item from a large retailer is they add a margin onto it and the price is higher. They have so far failed to get the government support for blocking online sales from overseas as society do not support it.
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Many years ago I worked with and english person, who one day said to me...
"I'm off to the town hall tonight, the Conservative Party are having a meeting"

I was horrified.. The Conservative party (then and now) are the lunatic right wing fringe (mainly afrikaans), and I asked him if he was a mad right winger.

"You're crazy" he said, .."but their political rallies are the best in the country... everything else is pale in comparison"
.. and he proceded to tell me all about it...

All the farmers from the district would walk into the hall carrying boxes that had a bad odour
The 'rallying' or screaming would start in earnest, and when the crowd agreed they cheered...
When the crowd disagreed down came a torrent of rotten tomatoes eggs, any 'vrot' vegetable, fruit that you could imagine..
The politician would stand his ground at the podium, getting his point across, while all these missiles pelted him... hells!!, they were/are stubborn.
The laughing and screaming would go on for hours...

This is why he went to these rally's  :P