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Guardian Article on the Tea Party

Started by hutch--, July 31, 2011, 07:04:20 AM

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One problem that is showing up is the economy(world) is built on a house of cards. Even people who have studied the economy their whole lives don't really understand how it works.
As in programming higher level languages,a lot of the LIBS used were written a long time back,and most programmers couldn't recreate them from scratch. I remember when if you needed a faster routine, you did it in assembler, and created a lib, so you didn't have to figure out the same thing twice.
The economy is kinda like Windows,there are so many different things,created by a vast number of programers,that very few people understand just how it all interacts. Thats the economy,many parts tacked togather to make it work,but no one actully understands how  it interacts and functions.

We seem to have a resession about every 10 years, and no one seems to be able to explain why. The actions taken within those 10 years must have an effect over time that triggers a recession.

Resessions have been around for a LONG time,even back in the beginning years of the 1800's. At least for our country,it wouldn't supprise me if the same is true for all large economys.


The same thing is said about the universe, unfamous people tend to express the frustration of not being able to grasp the entire universe, what could possibly be out there, is it a question of quantity of information or is it a question of intelligence, logic intelligence depends on bits of information, understanding the economy takes alot of information. Either you are in posession of that information or you don't. Most people don't and never will.

I DON'T want anyone to understand the economy fully, those people who want to narrow the world down to a 'handfull' so that they can control it better, do they despise ignorance or lack of control.
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.


Good point actually, anything with GLOBAL or WORLD is part of a push to control the world economy with all of the associated controls, population reduction, fascist police forces and nasty shitty military actions to massacre non-conformists.

World Trade Organisation.
World Health Organisation.
World Bank.
Global Village.
Global Economy.
UN anything.
etc etc ....

When countries did not have rediculously inter-dependent economies, if one went down, others were safe. Nowdays if the price of some commodity drops in Botswanaland or some other shithole the stock market gets the flutters and unrelated countries and industries get bashed for it. Independent economies acted like an economic firewall that isolated one country from another.

Specific to the US there are 2 over-riding factors that need to be addressed, PHUK off the Federal Reserve and take control of the US currency AND remove the "personhood" that US citizens have from corporations. Honour the US constitution written by the US founding fathers and the US will rise again.
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you can go too far the other direction, too
look at what isolationism did for Russia and China
must be a happy medium in there, someplace
things like NAFTA and other similar trade arrangements aren't helping matters here in the US



> look at what isolationism did for Russia and China

As a matter of fact I have, Russia has almost no debt problems at all and China is the world's fastest growing large economy. The economic action is in the B.R.I.C block of countries, Brasil, India, Russia and China, large populations and massive resources.

I am personally of the view that true capitalism with open markets and competition is superior to controlled left wing economies but the bastardisation of capitalism we all suffer at the moment is nothing more than thinly disguised fascism, literally the state and corporate sectors in bed together.
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their econmy - fine
what about the people ?
they are overworked for little pay
mistreated - no rights - no wonder the economy is strong



The sad part is that the formula is being applied the same way in western countries, work our way of go hungry.
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Bill Cravener

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

Quote from: hutch-- on August 02, 2011, 09:09:45 AM
The sad part is that the formula is being applied the same way in western countries, work our way of go hungry.

Steve, right now, millions of Americans are struggling with hunger. These are often hard working adults, children and our seniors who simply cannot make ends meet and are forced to go without food for several meals, or even days. Seniors are a special case because they often find themselves having to choose between their meds or their stomachs. I know, its hard to believe this could happen in America but it does everyday.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

Tea baggers, the simple minds of simpletons. :tdown

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


It makes me very sad to see such ignorance in my country. I don't concider myself highly educated,but sometimes there is what is called "Collage stupid". I have seen this when I was working,a manager tried to solve a problem using calculus,when it was simply a matter of using common sense. Those pics of the teabaggers show just how stupid and sheepish a lot of people are.
Most(as seen on Jay Leno's asking simple questions on the street) people don't even know or understand anything that isn't about some stars meltdown. Ask(real question) who is buried in Grants tomb..and they give a blank look.
its not multiple choice so it is HARD. We are supposed to be the best and the brightest..and we seem mostly to be a bunch of trailer park rejects.

Bill Cravener

Quote from: anunitu on August 02, 2011, 03:18:01 PM
It makes me very sad to see such ignorance in my country.

As it does I anunitu. I'm not claiming all tea baggers are, but you are correct, most are trailer park rejects.

Here is some interesting info. The four states with the most tea bagger representatives in Congress are all former members of the Confederate States of America. The states with the greatest number of members of the House tea bagger caucus are Texas (12), Florida (7), Louisiana (5) and Georgia (5). While California is in fifth place with four House tea bagger members, the sixth, seventh and eighth places on the list are taken by two former Southern slave states, South Carolina and Tennessee, and a border state, Missouri, each with three members of the congressional tea bagger caucus.

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


i think i have made previous remarks about that part of the country
they are heavily republican, and most of them don't know why - lol

i envision a guy with a tally-ho gun rack, a CB rig, and a can of beer
something along the lines of Larry the Cable Guy   :bg


You can blame the Tea Party folks on Ronny Raygun, give 'em guns, give 'em morality, ban abortions and so on while ripping the heart out of their towns, sending work overseas, breaking unions and raping the economy. Poor bastards have been the victims of the perfect con, they betray themselves by sucking up to this pie in the sky bullsh*t where if the government just spends less on the poorest people in the country and destroys the middle class, then everything will end up alright.

It is unfortunate that the Republican party has been so badly trashed over the last 30 years, IKE was one of the all time best Republican presidents but they have had little since. Strangely enough the distinction being driven by the Republican Party and its loonie tune offshoots is the stuff that Marx was writing about in his manifesto, class struggle of haves and have nots where you have a massively rich elite controlling a poverty stricken serf class. That Marx's solution failed is history but his recognition of the problem has passed the test of time.
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It is "Tea Party" because "Monkey's Tea Party"?

Surely this is not the level of US politics?
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking