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Matric (Prom!) dance tonight..

Started by vanjast, July 22, 2011, 08:44:18 PM

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What do you guys call it over on your side - Prom dance ?

So here I am waiting for the phone call to 'fetch'  :bg  Don't want to lie down as I might doze off.. :eek Time 10:30.... 1.5 hours to go
At least he's not going to the 'after' party  :U

Hells, it was only 'yesterday' when he was a little baby sleeping on my chest. Funny how you life whizzes by. Enjoyed every moment with these kids.


we just call it "the prom", which is not only a dance with your feet, but learning to "dance" in social circles, as well
you get dressed up, buy her a corsage, and pretend to be well-behaved for one evening out of your life   :lol

the after-party - he should go
it's not as bad as you might think, and it's a test of his ability to hang with the crowd without doing bad stuff


He didn't want to go. He's quiet a sociable character but he has his 'set' ways of doing things.
From what I hear, the people that are going, are the 'new boozers' - he avoids these type of events.

I actually encourage this as he is set on a career as a pilot, and I mention that the flying control bodies don't take kindly to pilots who drink too much, if at all.
Me... I would have gone as I was a party animal at that age - but now I'm wiser (hopefully  :green2) and able to advise


I had an uncle that was a commercial pilot. His wife divorced him and he became a serious alcoholic.
One day, he actually showed up for work drunk. That was the end of his career.
He eventually drank himself to death,...but, it was a long, strange trip. And, he dragged everyone he ever loved down with him.
I could never understand it. His kids couldn't understand it, and, it haunted them the rest of their lives.

...I know,...that's kinda depressing,...sorry,...I couldn't think of anything funny,...
...When I was that age,...I had to have been the world's worst dancer,...
...They actually had to position emergency medical teams nearby, just in case,...


Quote from: baltoro on July 22, 2011, 09:28:06 PM
I had an uncle that was a commercial pilot. His wife divorced him and he became a serious alcoholic.
Sad one that..

I said to J that a career as an airline pilot is somewhat of a lonely one. If you find a GF/wife that is ok with that and you can both trust each other, then that will be utopia.
If not, you have to make choices and sacrifices, as this career lifstyle puts a big strain on insecure relationships, ultimately ending them.
I always encourage them to have 2 or 3 other interests, for distraction from 'bad' habits as the bottle can bite hard - I've seen it in a few people.


Weirdly,...I have an old friend that after he bacame a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, became a commercial airline pilot for twenty years.
And, his wife is probably among the top ten most gorgeous women on the planrt,...
We were talking several monthes ago (previously, haven't seen each other in decades),...and, I was wondering how they made it work.
(They're still married, and, have an adult daughter.)
I was afraid to ask,...they are both highly intelligent,...and, well,... :eek