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The Mother of All Bubbles

Started by baltoro, July 23, 2011, 07:28:34 PM

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My forecast: The next BIG thing is going to be the Bail Out Bubble.
...I think assembly programmers should make a killing,...and, get out quick before anyone notices,...

What really mystifies me is: where is all the money coming from ???
Leading contenders are:   

  • Disgruntled OPEC Nations hellbent on World Domination
  • El Diablo
  • The Green Blob

Bill Cravener

Lets not forget as of January 2011 foreign ownership of US debt is $4.45 trillion dollars. We are headed for a fall of historic proportion!
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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


What I don't understand is how we are in such a debt. (Other than greed.)

When we buy a sub for a billion, where's the money coming from ?

It's like taking a check from someone who has a negative balance.

Are they just printing some new money ?

I think we ought to cut off ALL foreign aid and retire two thirds of our troops.

Then cancel all defense contracts and just stick with what we have.

With gold so high, sell what we have and use it on our debt.

Then we could close down Fort Knox and save more money. :-)

The Russians and Chinese would probably do likewise since they're hurting finacially too.

Have a great day,


i doubt you'd find too much gold at Ft Knox, anymore - lol
i envision a huge, expensive safe with a pile of IOU's in the center of the floor and 50 armed soldiers guarding the pile


There is a quaint solution to the international debt crisis, if every country goes into hock for many more trillions until they are all broke then they collectively default at the same time and the onlty losers are the banks that loaned the money. Sounds good to me.  :P
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....or, we can just feed the politicians and rich basturds to those sharks you guys seem to have a surplus of down under
while we're at it, let's get rid of some lawyers and insurance moguls
"lawyer chum" - come and get it, boys !!!   :lol


:eek ...Searching the internet for the GODAWFUL TRUTH,... :eek

I found this, INCREDIBLY DISTURBING article from last year in Vanity Fair Magazine: Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds.
What are they thinking ??? There is only one possibility: Defaulting on Soverrign Debt is Really Fun.   
Are the only fiscally responsible people on the planet, Canadian ???

What's driving The Bail Out Bubble ???

  • The Viagra Bubble
  • The Was I Drunk (?) Bubble
  • The This Bubble Is Actually A Black Hole Bubble