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Why the U.S. Loves Canada

Started by baltoro, July 09, 2011, 06:14:32 PM

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OK,...test your comprehension of current geopolitics, is today's awesome trick question:
What is the longest undefended border between two nations in the world ???

...And,'s a HUGE clue,...
Yesterday's Wall Street Journal had an article entitled: "Canada Has Plenty of Oil, But Does the U.S. Want It ?".
The Canadian province of Alberta has become one of the world's petroleum powerhouses,...with proven reserves of approximately 179 billion barrels, which puts it third in the ranking of global oil reserves, behind Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Currently, Alberta exports about 1.5 million barrels daily to the United States, and, plans to double production in the next decade.
There is a growing focus on world energy security. A recent study of the global oil balance by a London-based think tank, estimates that North America's dependence on foreign energy sources should fall over the next twenty years despite growing consumption. This assumes that oil sands output continues to fuel U.S. markets.
Last year, TransCanada Corp. started up its Keystone pipeline, running from Alberta to the oil-storage hub of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has applied to boost capacity from some 591,000 barrels a day to 1.1 million, and extend the line to reach gulf coast refineries.
Oil sands surface mining has eaten up a vast expanse of shallow reserves just below Alberta's boreal forest around Fort McMurray. The operation results in toxic tailings, which companies collect in large ponds. Alberta officials and oil industry executives say that improvements are being made in reclaiming environmental damage.

Oil Reserves in Canada


yah, but you are missing an important aspect
the US doesn't want Canadian oil as badly as it wants the oil from Eurasia
reason being - they can get Canadian oil any time
they want the oil they can't get, now
then, when that runs out, they will use the easily available resources

in a manner of speaking, they already consider Canadian oil as "reserve"


it's all about "security"
if a world war breaks out today, the oil in Canada is assumed to already be "on our side"
the oil in Eurasia is "on their side"

why would we want to use "our" resources, when we can use those of the "enemy"   :P


DAVE !!!
You've already highjacked my thread,...and, I haven't even gotten to the punchline,... :eek

Quote from:  DAVE !!!...if a world war breaks out today,...
Yeah,...I was just getting to that,... :eek

Meanwhile,...back in Canada,...lobbyists for the Oil Industry in Alberta are clearly on to us,...
They've dated girls like us in High School. It's a game. She thinks we're ugly and despicable,...but, she KNOWS we have lust in our hearts. After all, we've supplied her with nuclear submarines. The other girls are furious. Things could get out of control,...
YES,...YES, you see it,...reality has viciously sucker-punched you,... :eek



Quote from: baltoro on July 09, 2011, 06:47:11 PM

No problem, China does... ;) (BTW Canada doesn't have any nuclear submarines from the US or otherwise). Canada is a resource rich country, we are the second largest country on the planet and have a relatively small population. We are fortunate to have such a close ally in the US, we are culturally similar and our economies are extremely inter-twined, as a matter of fact the Canada-US trading block is not only the largest in the world in terms of value but it is the largest in history. Before George Bush, Americans and Canadians could travel back and forth across the longest undefended border in the world without so much as a passport, your drivers license was enough, however the new culture of paranoia has changed that. It is definitely a colder relationship since Bush managed to piss us off so effectively but the one thing we know is that the US is our closest ally and always will be. So, you're always welcome to our oil, as long as the price is right :)
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Sad to say we have little oil in OZ but we have an awful lot of coal and now that its becoming politically incorrect we also have an awful lot of uranium which is also politically incorrect. When the hippies, poofters and greenies eventually get their way and all energy is turned off for not being "sustainable" we still have massive amounts of sunshine and the lower end of OZ has an endless wind supply which in combination amounts to about 5% of the base load to keep the lights turned on in OZ.

Now this leaves the option of freezing your arse off while introspecting at your navel and the only carbon emission allowed is the joint you are supposed to be blowing to stop concentrating on how PHUKING cold it is.  :P

Think of the brave new world of basket weavers and navel gazers that the ecology lobby have in mind for you.

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Quote from: hutch-- on July 10, 2011, 04:29:50 AM
Sad to say we have little oil in OZ but we have an awful lot of coal and now that its becoming politically incorrect we also have an awful lot of uranium which is also politically incorrect.

Same story here, massive Coal and Uranium deposits (Canada accounts for about 28% of the worlds Uranium production) but political correctness tempers the market. When the oil eventually runs out they will be in demand again, we live in an energy hungry world and the BTU's they supply are critical. When the rolling black outs start the hippies tend to get marginalized, after all staying warm is more primal than hugging a tree.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Quote from: baltoro on July 09, 2011, 06:14:32 PM
OK,...test your comprehension of current geopolitics, is today's awesome trick question:
What is the longest undefended border between two nations in the world ???

Perhaps not as heavily defended as down South, but be assured that it is in fact defended.  :-)

Friendly with Canada, yep.  Love Canada, well, probably not, you have to have a high level of trust for that, I don't think that's there.


Quote from: EDGAR...BTW Canada doesn't have any nuclear submarines from the US or otherwise,...
As ALWAYS, are correct. I apologize for my ineptitude. Good thing I'm not the U.S. Defence Secretary,...
Here, is an informative article about the issue of non-existent Canadian Nuclear Submarines: Sovereignty, Security and the Canadian Nuclear Submarine Program.

Quote from: EDGARIt is definitely a colder relationship since Bush managed to piss us off so effectively,...
Bush somehow managed to piss off the ENTIRE WORLD,...(Do you think we'll ever get an apology ?) :eek

Here is an overview of the: Bechtel Corporation Athabasca Oil Sands Project
And, here is a current map of: Alberta's Oil Sands Projects and Upgraders
And, here is a very exciting Wikipedia page about: Athabasca Oil Sands, Production, and Operators, Geopolitical Implications

And,...just to clarify the situation:   
I'm lying, obviously. Another apology. What can I say,...we're like a bunch of heroin addicts,...we'd sell our own Mothers,... :eek
In fact,...there's a wave of disgruntled Mothers on their way to Canada at this very moment,... :eek

Bill Cravener

Quote from: donkey on July 10, 2011, 02:47:25 AM
Canada is a resource rich country

Yes indeed Edgar but so is the US of A. :bg

Quote from: donkey on July 10, 2011, 02:47:25 AM
Before George Bush, Americans and Canadians could travel back and forth across the longest undefended border in the world without so much as a passport

So true Edgar, boy I really miss those days we use to ride our bikes up to the Canadian side of the Falls. :bg
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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on July 11, 2011, 05:51:17 PM
So true Edgar, boy I really miss those days we use to ride our bikes up to the Canadian side of the Falls. :bg

I do too, haven't been down south since the change, I have a passport but I lost interest in going to the States after we started to be treated like suspects instead of friends. It was a decision that profoundly effected the way Canadians see their southern neighbors, now instead of viewing them as siblings with a "we're in this together" attitude it has become just another market. There is hope yet, the US State Department has said that closer ties to Canada are vital to the countries national interest and there is a small but growing movement in both the US and Canada to restore the old border rules. Maybe one day we'll see the end of the last consequences of the Bush era "manufactured for votes paranoia" and this sad chapter will be relegated to history.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable



You guys think you have problems, we have to put up with the Kiwis.
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