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PostMessage Control

Started by bomz, July 02, 2011, 12:53:56 PM

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QuoteIf you send a message in the range below WM_USER to the asynchronous message functions
(PostMessage, SendNotifyMessage, and SendMessageCallback), its message parameters cannot
include pointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail. The functions will return before the receiving
thread has had a chance to process the message and the sender will free the memory before it is used.

if the pointer points to global data, i suppose you can get away with it,
as long as the data isn't modified before it's processed


Is it possible to THREAD have it is own PROC inside?


Quote from: bomz on July 10, 2011, 08:16:06 PM
Is it possible to THREAD have it is own PROC inside?
You mean the window procedure with PROC? If so:
Windows are associated with the thread they are created from.  The WndProc is allways executed in the same thread as CreateWindowsEx().
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


invoke SetWindowLong,hWnd,GWL_WNDPROC,add MyProc
mov OldWndProc,eax

I mean - MyProc inside Thread proc


MyThread proc lParametre:DWORD

invoke ExitThread,0
MyWnd proc hWnd:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD
MyWnd endp
MyThread endp


MyThread proc lParametre:DWORD

invoke ExitThread,0
pop hWnd
pop uMsg
pop wParam
pop lParam

MyThread endp


You can't change the thread - the code is still executed in cotext of the thread that creates the window.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


if you call a function from the thread procedure, it executes under that thread
in other words, you can have functions that are shared between threads
if you write the function carefully, you can call it from more than one thread at a time
mainly, the data items that are modified by the function should be seperated
this is often done by using local variables
each thread that calls the function will have a different stack frame


Quoteif you write the function carefully
in this concrete situation it's impossible to use the same function

because Wnd function execute not only my message which I know to that window was send, it must resend other's native messages and the same function can't know where send this messages


        INCLUDE \masm32\include\


Thrd    PROTO



_main   PROC

        xor     edi,edi
        INVOKE  CreateThread,edi,edi,Thrd,500,edi,edi
        INVOKE  CreateThread,edi,edi,Thrd,400,edi,edi
        INVOKE  CreateThread,edi,edi,Thrd,600,edi,edi
        INVOKE  CreateThread,edi,edi,Thrd,100,edi,edi
        INVOKE  CreateThread,edi,edi,Thrd,300,edi,edi
        INVOKE  CreateThread,edi,edi,Thrd,200,edi,edi
        inkey   " "

_main   ENDP


Thrd    PROC

        INVOKE  Func,[esp+4]
        INVOKE  ExitThread,0

Thrd    ENDP


Func    PROC    uses ebx Val:DWORD

        mov     ebx,Val
        INVOKE  Sleep,ebx
        print   ustr$(ebx),32

Func    ENDP


        END     _main


restrict mount of thread's with some number?


you can have something like 1,000 threads, but that isn't very efficient
it depends on the OS, amount of memory, etc
use the number of threads that you need
that program was just a demo


I think about this algorithm it's so complicate and tangled


that is usually a sign that you are doing it wrong   :bg
if it isn't simple - make it simple
i wish i could better understand what you are trying to do
maybe if you write it in Russian, i can use google translate to try and understand