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Michele Bachmann for President !?!?

Started by Bill Cravener, June 28, 2011, 11:01:33 AM

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Bill Cravener


I use Steve's forum spell checker so I don't appear like a total idiot. It catches most miss spells but does choke on a few words though. It doesn't matter most people get the drift and overlook miss spells.

As to "The people want" statement in your post politicians do what corporate money tells them to do not what we the people elect them to do. They are all pigs, everyone of them! :tdown
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


American politics has always pipelined an enormous amount of bullshit into the minds of American citizens.
...And,...all the wrong people have the egomaniacal qualities that compel them to engage the adversarial insanity of our partisan political campaign system to run for elected democratic office.
Really,'s all about fundraising. I found this informative website: Open Secrets, that provides non-partisan financial data on all political elections.
Here is a blog entry from that site: How Much Cash Does Michele Bachmann Have?



My great fear is if the Republicans get control of both houses and the presidency as well that they will terminally PHUK the US so it can never recover again. I think its very unfortunate that the Democrats wasted the chance to fix the US while they had the chance and support which in turn allowed the rise of the Tea Party style of Republican. It fascinated me back in the Bush era that so many of these guys owned villas in Europe while they were destroying the US economy with wars, taxes and the phony war on terror. The debacle in New Orleans made the point that they could find US taxpayers money to fund 2 unwinnable wars but could not fund the reconstruction of New Orleans after the flooding. We have just had massive flooding in Queensland and the cleanup and repair is being funded by our Federal government, it is rediculous that the US could not do the same for their own people.
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QuoteMy great fear is if the Republicans get control of both houses and the presidency
as well that they will terminally PHUK the US so it can never recover again.

too late - that perfectly describes the bush administration
well - not sure they had the majority in both houses
but, it didn't matter because they didn't play by the rules, anyways
they went and did what they wanted to without senate approval


there is an issue that looms large,that no one addresses. As when we entered the industrial revolution, the whole social structure changed. With the Tech Revolution, at some point we must change what the economy is, the model we now hold as sacred will be our ondoing. Robots doing a lot of what used to be human work,and moving in that direction everyday. People get laid off from a job, that simply does not exist anymore. A skill they spent their whole lives learning becomes obsolete. At some point even the intellectual jobs become taken over by machines. Skills that were once common,now are concidered special,good carpenters can sell HAND made furniture for very large amounts.


Even though Michele Bachmann enjoys great popularity I don't think we much to worry about as far as her ever getting into the White House.  Michele comes from the bizarre alternate reality of "Christian Nationalism" that pushes revisionist Christian history ( the world is only 6000 years old ,  evolution is a fraud , science is a trick perpetrated by Satan , the founding fathers were directed by god to form a perfect Christian nation in America, etc. ) crazy anti-communist conspiracies and dominionism. She has made enough crazy statements and done enough outright weird things over her political career to disqualify herself in any sort of national election ( they do love her in the more backwards parts of the country , though ). I think she will run strong in some primaries , but will ultimately be beaten by a more moderate opponent ( Mitt Romney? ) .

The election in 2012 will be another pivotal competition in American history. Hopefully the Right cannot seize on a crisis ( the national dept , unemployment , etc. )  and use this to  crush the middle class and the poor and disassemble the welfare state that working Americans have worked so hard to build. I don't think working Americans are stupid enough to go along with the Right-wing goal to destroy the middle class ( or are they? ). I guess we'll see in 2012.....


Quote from: hutch-- on June 30, 2011, 01:34:32 AM
I think its very unfortunate that the Democrats wasted the chance to fix the US while they had the chance and support which in turn allowed the rise of the Tea Party style of Republican.

They didn't waste the opportunity.  They're equally incompetent.  Each party does well in a particular set of metrics and they then parade those around claiming that they have the solution.  Step back and look at the whole and you see that none of them have a clue on how to take care of the entire system.  The complexity of the system as a whole has grown to the point that it has become unmanageable for us simple humans.  As much as I dislike the pain and chaos of trying to simplify the system it's ultimately our only chance.  Continuing on the path that both parties have set out for us leads to a slow, but certain destruction.


not only that, but they were handed a bag of total shit
extreme measures were required to straighten out the mess that gw bush left behind
it didn't matter which party inherited it


...Sorry,...resurrecting an old thread,...
I've found this bizarre collection of: Michele Bachmann's Craziest Quotes You have to wonder after reading this stuff,...just what kind of medication Michele Bachmann is taking,...and why isn't it available to the general public ???
...Also, is a collection of Late Night jokes about Michele Bachmann: Michele Bachmann Jokes

This joke by Jimmy Kimmel,...I just loved: "Michele Bachmann is kind of like Sarah Palin but without the charisma — or marksmanship. You know, maybe we should stop telling kids that anyone can grow up to be president of the United States."


I was going to say Rick Perry scares me worse, but I don't know, they both scare the hell out of me.  They're both nut cases in my opinion.


The Los Angeles Times agrees with you. Last Sunday, they published this editorial: The Problem with Perry


A lot of the problem stems from religious fanatics, that see through their own set of beer goggles(prayer goggles)? I have encountered this from religious types before. You could lay out the reality of things in the most profond way,useing scientific fact and natural logic,and they would not change at all. They are investd in their beliefs to such an extent,logic cannot penetrate. To change for tham is to lose a grasp of their vision that God is going to personally cover their ass if and when disaster strikes.

Bill Cravener

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat




Quote from: cman on June 30, 2011, 05:47:26 PM
The election in 2012 will be another pivotal competition in American history. Hopefully the Right cannot seize on a crisis ( the national dept , unemployment , etc. )  and use this to  crush the middle class and the poor and disassemble the welfare state that working Americans have worked so hard to build. I don't think working Americans are stupid enough to go along with the Right-wing goal to destroy the middle class ( or are they? ). I guess we'll see in 2012.....

But CMAN fifty years of the welfare state have gotten us into this fiscal mess we are in now. Don't you think its time we stop waisting the money?
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO