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Michele Bachmann for President !?!?

Started by Bill Cravener, June 28, 2011, 11:01:33 AM

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Bill Cravener

This woman scares the freaking bejesus out of me. How she can be seriously considered as a presidential candidate is frightening to say the least and evidence of how exceedingly bitter our political process has become between parties here in the US. The republican right and evangelicals hold great power in the US. Add to that the current fact the republicans really have no one else worth voting for other then Michele Bachmann we could be in big trouble. It could happen! :tdown

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Religion has no place in politics, yet this woman says her faith guides her political actions.

We are no better off than we were during the time of Galileo etc..  ::)

When will people get some b@lls and stand up for what THEY want, instead of doing what they think some mythical "thing" wants or would do?

If I went down the street saying I had an angel sat on my shoulder telling me what to do I'd be sent to the nut house! I find it totally bizarre that these people can run our frickin' countries and everyone acts as if it is fine!!!

(I say this living in one of the worlds only Theocracy's).

Having a pretend friend as an adult is fine, but leave it out of anything serious.

Bill Cravener

Michele Bachmann is the number-one God-recommended 2012 GOP presidential candidate. She is an intense fundamentalist Christian and that point alone is just down-right scary to me. If this woman were to be elected President this country is in big trouble (as if we weren't already). We could see the return of McCarthyism, the return of internment camps for gays, lesbians and perhaps us none believers of an imaginary god. Damn scary stuff!
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I have to agree with you entirely. But, what are the Republicans going to promote as a campaign onslaught for the hearts and minds of American citizens ???
'Don't think about how much damage the last Republican administration did,...Vote Republican'
I can see the bumper stickers: 'I'm STUPID. I'm voting Republican'.

...But,...seriously, did Michele Bachmann get elected to the House of Representatives in the first place ???
:eek Was the entire population of Minnesota drunk ??? :eek

What REALLY amazes me is that Barack Obama is running for re-election. If I were him,...I'd hire a film crew, dress up in a stolen police officer's uniform, select a citizen at random,...and arrest him. And, then, plead GUILTY. Impersonating a police officer is a felony (even if you're the Commander-in-Chief), and, convicted felons are NOT qualified to run for President of the United States.

Bill Cravener


Man I don't know or understand how she got elected. She's obviously batshit crazy yet there are enough batshit crazy people here in the US to get her elected as President. Obama is the first black prez and batshit Michele could be the first white woman prez. If many folks stay home out of shear disgust and not vote next election she could win. I'm of the mind myself to just stay home next election because Obama is a disappointment when it comes to ending our warmongering and yet I better vote cause she's batshit crazy!

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Minnesota is very heavy with hard-nosed christians, primarily Swedish and Norwegian decent
same is true of Wisconsin, Northern Michigan and, to a lesser degree, Iowa

Bill Cravener

I know what you mean Dave central Pennsylvania is the same way, most are batshit crazy!!
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


the south is another place that is thick with right-wing nut-jobs - lol
only, they are a completely different flavour of nut
when i say "south", i really mean "hillbilly"   :bg
so, it applies southern Illinois/Indiana/Ohio (may as well be Kentucky), Penn, WVA,  - even parts of NY

these are likely to be Baptists, though not always
they always vote republican, no matter what
they never open a newspaper or watch the news on TV, not that those sources aren't biased
they're about as informed as a flea on a dogs back
yet, they are dedicated to the republican party - many of them don't even know what it means   :lol


So,...Bill and Dave,...
I think we've arrived at a consensus,...the United States has WAY TOO MANY STUPID PEOPLE,... :eek


As a foreigner looking in, anything from the Tea party looks risky. Its a phenomenon referred to in OZ as "believing your own bullsh*t" and after hearing a few of their candidates crowing after the last election, it has a ring of truth to it. Its unfortunate that the Republican Party has fallen so low in what it has to offer, they have had great Presidents from Abe Lincoln to IKE but very little after that. After their big election win a couple of elections ago the Democrats quickly sold their arse and betrayed ordinary Americans who had trusted them to fix things after the Bush regime so the choices are truly lousy.

You are not alone here, our Labor government is quickly achieving pariah status, the Liberal opposition are equally unpopular and the Green are a grab-bag of the old left re-packaged as environmentalists where all they are after is an international tax that will drive a vast number of  people into poverty. Effectively old left elitism funded by the patsies who voted for them. I gather the place to live if you don't mind the sleaze is Belize, at least you know that place is crooked and free of the moralistic bullsh*t that pervades western politics.
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Bill Cravener

The GOP is relentless in its pursuit of the "American public be damned" so that next year they can regain national dominance. As the article below explains they are by/for the rich and religious right. My opinion is they are as un-American as one can be!! :tdown

Republicans: The Single Greatest Threat to America
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


unamerican is right, Bill
it really pissed me off when these same assholes had the nerve to call John Kerry "unpatriotic"
not that i was any big supporter of John, but Bush's mud-slinging buddies really plastered him
with their other hand, they screw the american public out of billions of dollars
THAT is unpatriotic - look at the mess we're in, now


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Bill Cravener


Yes, I found it truthful and a very good read. Like the author stated America must not allow the Republican Party to win in 2012. We could very well see the end of SS and Medicare if they do win. In just under two years I can sign up for early retirement and hope to get as much of my life long paid in SS monies back before I kick the bucket. :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


What I get tired of hearing is ANY politicien saying "The people want" this, and the polls show the complete opposite.

I have to confess,that my spelling really sucks,and I use google to tell me the proper spelling for things....I am a dumb American,what can I say..its the schools fault :'(