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Postmodern Life in Southern California

Started by baltoro, June 23, 2011, 06:57:02 PM

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There is alot of anti-Californian sentiment out there,...and. I can understand it,...sympathize with it to a certain degree,...
And, if all you know about California is what you read in the newspapers,'d have to conclude that we're all fabulously wealthy movie stars that are in rehab most of the time,...obsessed with our sexual appeal and endless surgical modifications,...and, are otherwise,...oblivious to reality,... :eek
In truth,'s alot worse. We have a high standard of living,...but, as a consequence,...every moron on the planet wants to move here and become a HUGE OVERNIGHT SENSATION. The vast majority of our citizens aspire to 'accelerated wealth creation' by borrowing as much money as they possibly can,...and, then, invent creative ways to defer that debt service in perpetuity, by franchising the all-time stupidest concept for a reality TV series, or, predatory litigation, or, outright financial fraud. It's very exciting here. Nobody sleeps. California is just ONE EPIC CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE that threatens all of humanity with the most spectacular Darwin Award ever,... :eek

P.S. ANUNITU,...there are still some great places to live in central and northern Califorrnia,...but, residents of those places realized long ago, that keeping their existence a secret from the rest of the world was an absolute necessity, and, employ all kinds of bizarre public relations campaigns to keep the barbarians at a safe distance.