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Good News for You Global Warming Fans

Started by baltoro, June 15, 2011, 08:30:14 PM

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I found this fascinating article in this morning's Los Angeles Times: Sunspots May Quiet Down For Awhile, Scientists Say.
Intriguing stuff,...Scientists from the American Astronomical Society's Solar Physics Division, are predicting a possible Maunder Minimum after the maximum of the current solar cycle in 2013,...
Here is another article from Science: End Of The Sunspot Cycle?.

...So, what does this mean for concerned assembly programmers  ???

Two important things to keep in mind:   

  • Forecasting solar activity is almost impossible based on our current understanding of solar physics. The best method is a statistical analysis of the sunspot data (especially minimum and maximum) from the preceeding sunspot cycle. This is why you never see accurate predictiions in the scientific literature until just before the next sunspot cycle is about to begin.
  • There is a known statistical correlation between sunspot activity and climate variablilty on Earth. but the physics and mathematics of this is not well understood.


Quote from: baltoro on June 15, 2011, 08:30:14 PM
...So, what does this mean ???

Will the barrel price soon drop under 50US$?
Can you soon buy the gallon at 3 dollars again?
Should we all invest in Hummer shares?


:bg FUNNY. Yes, I think there is MONEY TO BE MADE !!!
...And,...I have this weird Gaian premonition that this alteration in solar activity wil have huge benefits for, say, the residents of Sydney, Australia,...'course, if I'm wrong (and, I almost always am),...people are going to die horrible deaths,...there might be vast populations of Global Warming refugees, all over the planet, trying to escape the Wrath of God,... :eek


It means our internet will not go 'offline' for a long time to come.... It'll be safer to do orbital adventures.. and you now will not get any sunburn hand prints on your backside for any time to come.. :bg


...As space physicist Judith Lean of the Naval Research Laboratory's Space Science Division states: the understanding of the sun's behavior "is so uncertain that projections far into the future are more or less speculation."
Here is an excellent review paper: Climate Forcing By Changing Solar Radiation, 1998



Having frozen my ass off for the last 2 months when usually Autumn in Sydney is very pleasant, it must be the accuracy of the global warming predictions raising their ugly head again, wet and cold mean the planet is heating up.

I still want to know why my packet of cigarettes a day warm the surface temperature of Mars. I mean HAY, if I changed brands to Gitanes it may warm the temperature of Uranus as well.
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These days Hutch,if you smoke(and I do) you get taxed to death,and blamed for just about everything for smoking. I myself have gotten an Electronic Cig setup. Although I still smoke regular Cigs from time to time, I no longer have to go outside if I use the electronic ones. the setup I got has two funvtions,one has a battery so I can take it with me, the other is powered from my systems USB port, so its kinda like a Hookea. Also you use bottles of Nic juice that you drip into the cartridge. yes. it has not been lost to me that you "Might" Sub another liquid in this thing :U :dazzled:


Quote from: HUTCH...I still want to know why my packet of cigarettes a day warm the surface temperature of Mars. I mean HAY, if I changed brands to Gitanes it may warm the temperature of Uranus as well,...
:eek ...AHhhh,...Australian Humor,...I think I finally get it,... :eek
By the way,...I made a quick check,...Sydney, Australia is located at latitude: 33 degrees South,...and, San Diego, California is located at latitude: 33 degrees North,...
So,...we should have very similar climates (yes, I'm oversimplifying), except, opposite in phase,...

Quote from: ANUNITU...I myself have gotten an Electronic Cig setup,...the other is powered from my systems USB port,...
:eek Now, THAT is FUNNY !!! :eek
I wonder if they have USB Port intravenous apparatuses,...or, maybe,...USB Port tattoo removal,...
:eek ...And, I think we could create an exciteing new sport if we can just develop the technology to allow us to smoke and scuba dive at the same time,... :eek