Formula multiplication table(i code a macro for cout)

Started by debugee, June 12, 2011, 04:13:55 AM

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;***************test.asm start********************
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

i   dd   1
j   dd   1

   .while   i < 10
      mov   j,1
      mov   ebx,i
      .while   j <= ebx
         mov   eax,ebx
         mul   j
         cout   j   #"*"   #ebx   #"="   #eax   #table
         inc   j
      cout endl
      inc   i

end   start
;********************test.asm ends*****************************
;******************** start****************************
extrn   printf:near

repargv MACRO arg
   LOCAL nustr
   quot SUBSTR <arg>,1,1
   IFIDN quot,<">            ;; if 1st char = "
        nustr db arg,0        ;; write arg to .DATA section
      mov eax, OFFSET nustr
      EXITM <eax>             ;; return data section offset in eax
      mov eax, arg
      EXITM <eax>             ;; else return arg
conbreak   macro   $szStr:vararg
      szBuf   textequ   <>
      szTemp   textequ   <>
      %echo   ************************************
      forc   qout,<$szStr>

         ifidn   <qout>,< >
            szTemp   textequ   <qout>
            szBuf   textequ   @CatStr(<%szBuf>,<%szTemp>)
            %echo   szBuf         
      exitm   <szBuf>

cout   macro   $string:vararg
   LOCAL   fuck
   LOCAL   pStr
   LOCAL   szEndl
   LOCAL   pTemp
   LOCAL   szMakeTab
   LOCAL   szDec
   nNumf = 1
   nNuml = 0
   nNum  = 0
   fuck   textequ   <#>
   szDec      db   '%d',0
   szEndl      db   13,10,0   
   szMakeTab   db   09,0   
   forc   qStr,<$string>
      nNuml = nNuml + 1
      ifidn   <qStr>,fuck
         %echo   qStr
         pStr   textequ   %nNumf
         %echo   pStr
         nNum =nNuml - nNumf
         pStr   textequ   @SubStr(<$string>,nNumf,nNum)   
         nNumf = nNuml + 1
         %echo   pStr
         pTemp   textequ   pStr
         pTemp   textequ   conbreak(%pTemp)
         %echo   pTemp
         %echo   pStr
         ifidn   <endl>,pTemp
               push   offset szEndl
               call   printf
               add   esp,4
         elseifidn <table>,pTemp
               push   offset szMakeTab
               call   printf
               add   esp,4
            pTemp   SUBSTR pStr,1,1
            ifidn   pTemp,<">
               push   repargv(%pStr)
               call   printf
               add   esp,4

               push   pStr
               push   offset szDec
               call   printf
               add   esp,8

            ;pStr      ;;输出汇编语句
         %echo   qStr
   nNum =nNuml - nNumf + 1
   pStr   textequ   @SubStr(<$string>,nNumf,nNum)   
   nNumf = nNuml + 1
   %echo   pStr

   ;pStr      ;;输出汇编语句
   pTemp   textequ   pStr
   pTemp   textequ   conbreak(%pTemp)
   %echo   pTemp
   %echo   pStr
   ifidn   <endl>,pTemp
         push   offset szEndl
         call   printf
         add   esp,4
   elseifidn <table>,pTemp
         push   offset szMakeTab
         call   printf
         add   esp,4
      pTemp   SUBSTR pStr,1,1
      ifidn   pTemp,<">
         push   repargv(%pStr)
         call   printf
         add   esp,4
         push   pStr
         push   offset szDec
         call   printf
         add   esp,8
      ;pStr      ;;输出汇编语句



Windows says the zip file is not a valid archive... but I could open it with 7-zip. It's a rar archive.

The test.asm assembles fine but the linker can't find printf - missing library?

By the way: I see Unicode in your post but in the *asm and *.inc files the Chinese text has become garbage. Which editor do you use?


Quote from: jj2007 on June 12, 2011, 06:41:46 AM
Windows says the zip file is not a valid archive... but I could open it with 7-zip. It's a rar archive.


With a compressed archive all okay! No errors ..


hi jj2007
printf function in the msvcrt.lib
you can link the obj file like this:
link msvcrt.lib /subsystem:console xxx.obj

i am chinese ,so the edit is chinese version.