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Forests fight back all over the world

Started by hutch--, June 05, 2011, 05:17:06 AM

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They'll have a fit when they realize this new growth is the result of increased atmospheric CO2!!  :bdg :bdg  It is required for plants and trees to grow (duh!).

MMGW is utter BS! It is a cover for telling the people we are going to run out of oil soon. Sadly the people will realize it is all BS when it is too late, and they have been ripped off (and worse).


Quote from: hutch-- on June 05, 2011, 05:17:06 AM
It would seem that we really HAVE been fed bullsh*t over climatic change.

No. It's old, very old news, see e.g. "The carbon cycle" by Wigley et al., 2000

And as usual, it's a looot more complicated than the headline would suggest. Think of consequences for Peak Oil and your oil price :bg



OK, I get it, we must produce MORE carbon dioxide so that the trees grow better so that they can absorb more carbon.  :P
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Hey, that's brilliant, Julia Gillard should appoint you as Australian member of the IPCC :U



It would not be hard to improve on what we have got at the moment, recently we were told that it would never rain in Australia again, just before the massive Queensland floods but I really know the lowdown of global warming and who the culprit is, its the SUN so we will have to tax it into submission until it goes cold.  :P
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that's right - we yanks can hose up almost anything
we just need to send 1 democrat politician and 1 republican politician
if we send them both to the same place, nothing will ever happen at that location again   :P


Quote from: hutch-- on June 05, 2011, 08:15:05 AMrecently we were told that it would never rain in Australia again, just before the massive Queensland floods
I found that hilarious! Over here they were blaming climate change for it - we didn't hear the earlier part about it NOT raining due to climate change.

EVERYTHING is due to climate change, yes, BUT IT IS NOT DUE TO HUMAN ACTIVITY. The brain-washing has failed (on me at least). Start by knowing they are lying to you, then go look for the truth.


I have 2 questions,

1. How does my packet of cigarettes a day warm the surface of Mars.

2. The climate has been changing for billions of years, whats new ?

Apart from sarcasm, what pisses me off is there are important problems that need to be solved, de-forestation and the related land overuse, plastic in the food chain in the sea, really toxic chemicals still being dumped into the sea, forget carbon dioxide, what about cyanide from gold mining refineries pelted into the air, fish polluted by mercury from industry dumping junk in waterways and this is while the sea is being over-fished with the resulting diminishing fish stock.

Would you like to go for a swim in a tailings dam in northern China where rare earth elements are being processed ?

I see carbon trading as a scam for money that will help a number of well placed trillionaires get a lot richer by taxing the poorest people on earth to pay for it.
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it seems that is the way of everything, Hutch
the rich get the advantages and the poor carry the load
a bit bothersome, as many of them have more money than they can possibly spend in a lifetime


@hutch - I entirely agree.

@dedndave: some of the richest have more money than the poorest 47 countries combined.


Quote from: HUTCHI have 2 questions,
1. How does my packet of cigarettes a day warm the surface of Mars.
2. The climate has been changing for billions of years, whats new ?
That first question,...I have to admire the creativity there, shows what an incredibly DEEP thinker you are,...and, I hope, for all our sakes that it remains a mystery for at least the next several billion years.
The answer to the second question will probably get someone a Nobel Prize. A vast number of excellent scientific studies have been done on past climate, and the evidence becomes murkier the farther back in time you go. And, much of that data is difficult to apply in the quantitave sense to climate modeling, or, say the politics of Global Warming with any degree of certainty. But, the one inescapable conclusion that results for all the science, is that climate has a profound effect on evolution. And, a number of geophysical processes have a profound effect on climate; the orbital configuration of Earth and Moon, plate tectonics, and, the natural variation in Solar irradiance.


We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking