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Why I was so sensitif?

Started by Farabi, June 01, 2011, 10:47:01 AM

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Quote from: Astro on June 05, 2011, 05:35:11 AM
Why is God always a white male? If God is so powerful, why all the wars and suffering?

I could go on...  ::)

Isn't the title "God" a catch all title?  Every religion prays/worships a "God" no?  They just have a different name.  Who said God is white?  The Catholic religion?  Some religions believe God is white/black/purple, or they believe it is an animal or a deity or maile or femaile...

If there is/was a God, it is a sick SOB... like you said wars and suffering... creates earthquakes, tsunamis, weather phenomenons that kill people... sickness that makes people and families suffer, bodies/minds slowly rot away... insert your bad item here...  religion was created by man.... groups of people gather together because they believe in the same properties of their supreme invisible being...
~Rob (Gunner)
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Quote from: Gunner on June 05, 2011, 05:17:10 PM
Quote from: Astro on June 05, 2011, 05:35:11 AM
Why is God always a white male? If God is so powerful, why all the wars and suffering?

I could go on...  ::)

Isn't the title "God" a catch all title?  Every religion prays/worships a "God" no?  They just have a different name.  Who said God is white?  The Catholic religion?  Some religions believe God is white/black/purple, or they believe it is an animal or a deity or maile or femaile...

If there is/was a God, it is a sick SOB... like you said wars and suffering... creates earthquakes, tsunamis, weather phenomenons that kill people... sickness that makes people and families suffer, bodies/minds slowly rot away... insert your bad item here...  religion was created by man.... groups of people gather together because they believe in the same properties of their supreme invisible being...

Society have taught you that we should live without any resistance, without troubles, without suffering, society have taught us that life should be all about luxury. This is the primary reason why "weak sissies" think that God is evil. Just because life is full of tribulation does not mean that "God" is evil

Secondly, suffering is good for us whether you want to believe it or not. A relaxed life in luxury and no resistance, no "speedbumps" in life will poison you. You get lazy, you get emo, sensitive, you get too many expectations in life, you don't know suffering, so your reaction to suffering in the world comes in the form of contempt and not in the form of compassion.

If you lean back in your chair with all your money and fake friends, you will teach yourself to respond to suffering with anger and contempt. Wealthy, prosperous and "weak" people who have never experienced suffering feel contempt for suffering and they respond with anger to it.

People who have suffered, they respond with healthy opinions, they are glad and happy. You should not despise suffering. I think that suffering can be good medicine for your "soul" or whatever you want to call it.

If god exists, I mean IF he really do exist, he is above you and you are below him. How on earth can you be above him in anything, if he do exist he is your creator, how could his ways be less than yours? I'd make a safe bet he is more knowledgeable than any of us.

It is stupidity in high class to even begin to speculate whether he is less competent than us.

1: If God does not exist, why even propose that he would be evil
2: If he exist, why speculate on his competence

We know so little, we cannot be arrogant and say that we know everything, because that is what you are saying when you claim God would be evil. "God is evil" means that you know the cause of everything that he have done and every thought he had. It is arrogance my friend.  :naughty:

Be careful with the "welfare" syndrome that is stinging the population, it is poison. Sure, we do survive, but it is not good for us. We become weak people. It is a virus. Many will say that a long and healthy life should be the ultimate goal of life, that is not true. It is the moments that take our breath away that defines a rich life, it is not how long we sit and glance at a wall.  :bg
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.



You have reminded me of something very funny, years ago I was sitting in a pub trying to eat a Tbone steak in peace and just around the corner of the bar were two guys having a conversation. While I tried not to listen (driven by hunger) it cashed out that these two guys worked for an IT company which was just starting to fall on hard times (one of the bubbles that burst in the mid 90s) and one of them had just been shoved out the door. The less than silent suffering guy was pissing in the ear of the other guy who still worked there about how great his loss was and how he was ruined and could not maintain his lifestyle etc etc etc ....

Maybe I am cynical having grown up in the engineering trade where you were hired for what money they could make out of you and you were fired when they did not have enough work for you to do. This was normal in that trade so my thoughts on the less than silent sufferer was "Welcome to the real world". You could have titled the episode as "The fall of another Yuppie".  :P
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Quote from: Astro on June 05, 2011, 05:35:11 AM
If there is a creator, who created the creator? If God existed, we'd all worship it and would have proof of it/their existence. Why is God always a white male? If God is so powerful, why all the wars and suffering?
This impression of God being human, comes from Michelangelo, when he painted the Capella Sistina. In that Era, God don't have a form, so after that paint, Michellangelo get's excommunicate from church, and the pope don't have paid Michelangelo work. The art have price.
Why today peoples don't say bad things about Zeus, or druid, or muiraquitã?
I met one guy that have learned many (not to say all) religions (this guy is one of the few that can understand Aramaic) , and today this guy is atheist. In a conversation, we talked about many things, and about war too, and we have reached Babel Tower. He said that many "miracles" can be explained by science.
We all have laws(constitution), but this laws really work? While the laws are beautiful in theory, but in practice, the man that have money don't go to jail.
Religion is one form to preserve the integrity of society. Put order in chaos. The bad news is when politics and religion joins. If you say bad things about a president, you are saying implicit bad thing about God.


Quote from: mineiro on June 06, 2011, 06:35:22 PM
Religion is one form to preserve the integrity of society. Put order in chaos. The bad news is when politics and religion joins. If you say bad things about a president, you are saying implicit bad thing about God.

If you use phrases like "God help us", "God will be with us", "May god be with us", "God bless the united states of america", "So help you God", all of these phrases will eventually get a strong impact on people. Presidents use them all the time, for tens of years, hundreds of years and if they continue to use these phrases every time a president is holding a speech it have to have some sort of impact on people's perception of religion.

It is a sort of propaganda weapon. Tell me, what does God have to do with anything of that anyways, the message of jesus christ has got nothing to do with anything really and so there is no reason to use such phrases. Not in a court room, not in a speech, hell not even in a church.
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.


Quote from: baltoro on June 01, 2011, 10:05:16 PM
Most of our major religions were created a thousand years ago, or more, when scientific thought was quite primitive,...

Eh I could dispute that ...

But first :

Around 2000 AD some guy started whorshipping this so called Creator.
Around 0600 AD some guy crawled out of a hole and said there is only one god and his name is Allah.
Around 0090 AD some guy started whorshiping the supposed son of one god
Around 0000-0030 AD some guy crawled out of a hole and said there was only one god and called him the rather imagnitive name God.
Around 1000 BC some guy crawled out of a hole and said there is only one god and called him Jehovah.
Around 2000 BC some guy said there was only one god and called him YHWH.
Around 3000 BC some guy said there was only one god. (Several city-states had made this claim several times, Egyptians tried it once, too)
Around 10,000BC some people thought there was something in those dark caves and made offerings.

What is this obseession with dark places (like caves) and one singular god ??
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Faith is something funny, you create a Powerfull illusion character, and then you freak out some sh*t, and ask them their money in the name of God, if they persist, you can call them infidel and kill them. If anyone notice you re lying, you can start a war on them. This kind of religion is bullshit. I demand a Compassionate God, I am the tax payer, I demand God to be my servant, We WIll pay  :bdg

I personally believe one God, but I did not belong into any religion. Sometime I loose my faith to God if saw people harming other using God's name.
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