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Facebook is not your friend!

Started by Bill Cravener, May 29, 2011, 10:49:47 AM

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Bill Cravener

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

This Facebook sh!t really troubles me. I'll tell you why. Much of my extended family uses the damn service, without a clue of the dangers, especially when it comes to my younger family members. They post pictures of their babies, themselves and even of me without my consent (just pisses me off!). They tell one another when and where they are going and what they are doing, etc. A couple years ago I got talked into creating an account by the family but quickly realized it was not for me, especially after reading their terms of use and privacy statements. Yet even though I canceled my account it is still there stored somewhere on Facebooks servers, thats bullsh!t !!

I love all of my family and I worry about their stupidity when it comes to this thing called Facebook.

Here's another disturbing link: The Secret Dangers of Facebook

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I have been preaching since I was 12 but nobody wants to listen.... Facebook is like the iceburg that sunk the titanic.... 90% of the issues still nobody realises....

Still.... Look on the bright side.... I had understood all the facebook issues we see now by the time I was 16.... Now 15 years on I'm having to re-explain them now everybody has caught up and the problem has manifested itself in a US corporate giant (who would have expected that :lol)....

Now they have a sap for everything and a tonne of other social issues which will take a decade for everyone to fully comprehend....

My life is like watching a car crash in slow motion....

Dont ask me what's next.... I just dont want to think about it anymore.... :lol.... I just want a club and a cave.... Leave me alone....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


as long as the cave has high-speed internet   :bg


Your information is being shared with third parties
I already aware of this possibility at the time I created my Facebook account, so I put only few details on my account info.

Facebook ads may contain malware
Probably, but I check my Facebook acount via mobile phones these days, so I guess it doesn't matter.



Quote from: TmX on May 29, 2011, 04:23:25 PM
Your information is being shared with third parties

Just about everything you do in todays world, is shared (read - SOLD) to third parties...  I wouldn't be surprised if the toilet of tomorrow times how long you sit on the bowl and then phone home to the manufacturer, then sell that info to marketers and you get emails on bowel cleansers...  Banks, supermarkets, "club cards" etc... track you and they sell that info...  It is a shame we don't have privacy any more..

What gets me about facebook, from what I understand... all your pictures and info is property of zuckerberg...  you delete your account, and they still keep all that info...   And the crap people do and say!  They post pictures of their meals?!  They annouce when they are leaving on vacation!  They announce when they "check in" to places... to me facebook is really a big marketing site that is all...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor

Bill Cravener

Quote from: oex on May 29, 2011, 01:56:20 PM
My life is like watching a car crash in slow motion....

Dont ask me what's next.... I just dont want to think about it anymore.... :lol.... I just want a club and a cave.... Leave me alone....

Now cut that out oex!

You know when I stop and give it thought I find it hard remembering when I was a young fellow, most of it anyways. But, I do remember that at times it was a real bitch. I landed my ass in the poky a couple times for getting out of hand protesting the Vietnam War and the other for getting caught smoking reefer. Back then it was very illegal and the cops loved busting us hippies.

What I'd do if I where you is slam on the brakes while hanging a sharp left turn and change directions. I'm telling you the truth that BANG you're 60 years old like me (and ancient like Steve). I sometimes wonder how in the hell did I survive this long? It's been a struggle, every bit of the way!

I was out on my own when I was 18 years of age (my old man wanted me out!!). I learned way back then that life is about making the moment the best you can. Hey, I'm phucking still here pard and I intend on sticking around a good while longer.  :bg

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

Quote from: Gunner on May 29, 2011, 05:12:00 PM
Quote from: TmX on May 29, 2011, 04:23:25 PM
Your information is being shared with third parties

Just about everything you do in todays world, is shared (read - SOLD) to third parties...  I wouldn't be surprised if the toilet of tomorrow times how long you sit on the bowl and then phone home to the manufacturer, then sell that info to marketers and you get emails on bowel cleansers...  Banks, supermarkets, "club cards" etc... track you and they sell that info...  It is a shame we don't have privacy any more..

What gets me about facebook, from what I understand... all your pictures and info is property of zuckerberg...  you delete your account, and they still keep all that info...   And the crap people do and say!  They post pictures of their meals?!  They annouce when they are leaving on vacation!  They announce when they "check in" to places... to me facebook is really a big marketing site that is all...

I think you are absolutely on the mark Gunner. After all they are a business. You know, the more I think about it the more I feel maybe I don't want to hang around that much longer. I fear the futures just not going to fit me anymore. I'm barely keeping up with the speed in which its changing now. I think I'm going to find the world a very strange place if I see another 10. From my prospective that is.

Hey there, I believe you and Dave are both veterans. Well I just want to say that tomorrow I tip my hat to the both of you gentlemen, and that includes any other American veterans here that visit Steve's board! :bg

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat



Bill has given you some good advice here. There are enough destructive elements in the world already but it does not mean you give in to them. An old rule is you never pass the knife to your enemy, make them work hard for anything they can get and if they do beat you at something, show them the victory of Pyrrhus, make it cost them far more than it cost you.

Self preservation is not greed or selfishness, its the same right as any other human being and if what they do attacks your survival, you should attack theirs as it serves a sense of justice in not allowing them to succeed.

I should have added this comment, there is a classic Australianism that I think is also English idiom, "Don't let the bastards grind you down".
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Quote from: Gunner on May 29, 2011, 05:12:00 PM
all your pictures and info is property of zuckerberg...  you delete your account, and they still keep all that info...   And the crap people do and say!  They post pictures of their meals?!  They annouce when they are leaving on vacation!  They announce when they "check in" to places... to me facebook is really a big marketing site that is all...
I'm sure there are 'inventive people' who could remotely delete such information.. it's happened before on the 'first scare'.
I always (Guru time) believe that nature/people/the world balances itself out... Facebook and other similar sites will meet their nemises (hopefully with some jailtime) , as they've taken the exploitation thing too far.



Quote from: Bill Cravener on May 29, 2011, 06:12:29 PM
Now cut that out oex!

What I'd do if I where you is slam on the brakes while hanging a sharp left turn and change directions.

:lol You are absolutely right Bill, this is EXACTLY what I am attempting at 29-31.... It is diffcult, of this there is no doubt, however, intelligence dictates, I should (and will) fight until the bitter end to change direction whatever the cost....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking

Bill Cravener

You know I had to deal with a divorce when I was 31. Man that was one of the most depressing times of my life. Went thru the sadness of putting my father in the ground about 6 years after my divorce, then my mother 5 years after that. Also witnessed numerous aunts, uncles and old friends face their own passing. Life's full of ups and downs and I know I'll have to face more of them if I live for any length of time beyond this day. And so it goes. I've accepted the fact that that's just the way it is, you deal with life the best you can. :bg

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


If you don't enter the details, Facebook can't share them. I always find security apps ironic when they ask for your CC details so it can "protect" them!  :eek


Quote from: Bill Cravener on May 29, 2011, 12:35:34 PM
This Facebook sh!t really troubles me. I'll tell you why. Much of my extended family uses the damn service,

Give them a fish, feed them for a day.
Teach them to fish, feed them for life.
Show them Facebook, never hear from the bastards again.

Several times someone had remarked about some event or aspect of a relatives life, and my mother says "No one told me about that". To which the common reply was "It's on their Facebook page". NBo one knows how to communicate anymore. Just because you post somehting on facebook doesn't mean everyone knows it. What ever happened to *YOU* sending a message to *US* instead of *US* having to go look for *YOU*. It's not our damn responsibility.
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