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Miscommunication with the animal

Started by Farabi, May 26, 2011, 09:34:51 AM

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Ever see this video, lion was look alike a cat. I hope we did not make any miscommunication with the animal and they was truely wild.

Remind me to daniel story, could it be he is also the lion king?  :green
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"Etos siperi elegi"


Pretty cool video. Some people have a special zen when it comes to wild animals.
Several years ago, there was an American documentary made called: Grizzly Man, about a guy who goes to Alaska and does what Kevin Richardson does with African Lions,...only, with Grizzly Bears. It was based on a true story,...but, the ending was different; a Grizzly Bear eventually ate Grizzly Man.


i guess it was a stingray that finally got that Australian guy that liked to poke sticks at angry crocodiles


What about the progressive existentialist posibilities of: Komodo Dragon Man ???


Quote from: dedndave on May 26, 2011, 04:00:20 PM
i guess it was a stingray that finally got that Australian guy that liked to poke sticks at angry crocodiles

Did kevin still alive?
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


eschew obfuscation


We have an expression up here, Don't poke the bear

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


I think it is the fact he is not afraid when near them. When we're afraid we give off hormones that alert them to the fact. It probably triggers a reaction in the wild animals that we are afraid, and therefore probably food.

He also lets them rub all over him so he smells like them. He'd be toast if he smelled like antelope.


I myself seem to have the ability to very quickly make a bond with Animals,I do think you are right about the fear factor. My Mother had a Boston Bull, that was very intelligent, and had a very good disposition. I was taking him out for a walk,when he took off and treeed this guy, only possible reason he did this was he smelled fear in this guy. He never showed this kind of behaivor normally.
I have always had "Something" that allowed me to calm even what would be concidered a vicious animal. Still, I am not foolish enough to attempt to try this with a wild animal..I respect that a wild animal is running on Instinct, and that is VERY unpradictable.


FUNNY,...and, so true,...
I've spent a some of my summers when I was younger backpacking, and I've run into a fair number of bears in the backcountry. They become accustomed to trashing people's campsites, and, they learn that people have a great selection of available and nutritious food (especially if there is a car nearby). They often just zero in on the plastic cooler, and are oblivious to all else. A wild bear is a very powerful animal, and they can outrun a horse. They have a highly evolved sense of smelI, but, poor eyesight, and so, will often stand up on their hind legs to get a l look at you, which most people misinterpret as meaning that they are about to charge. I read somewhere that you should NEVER run from a bear. Bears love this,...they think it's entertaining,...and will chase you all over the place. So, I did this on a number of occasions (exuding warmth and fearlessness). And, it works. If you just stand your ground, and don't make any sudden movements, they will usually nose around and then just go along their way. It also, helps to talk to them in a soothing voice (you can probably get pointers on this valuable technique from your therapist).
However, this is not a good idea around grizzlies. They typically kill humans when the people unwittingly get between a sow Grizzly and her cubs. In that case, you want to climb a tree as high as you can go and as fast as you can,...and, plan on staying there awhile.


Funny story, years ago I wanted to get access to a property to photograph some old building remains so i went up to the lady's place who owned it and asked her. She drove me down to the paddock then told me this trick. There was the ginormous bull in the paddock with his harem of cows and when you went to the gate, he would come across to suss you out. When he came to the gate you had to reach over and scratch him behind his ears. Once that was done he would walk off and take no notice of you. This thing was about the size of the ones you see in bullfights in Spain.

RE: Bears, i watched this documentary some years ago about this nutcase from LA who used to go up to Alaska and live with a group of bears until a rogue bear ATE HIM. Scenery was great but the result was a genuine comedy.
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