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What is life?

Started by Farabi, February 14, 2011, 06:47:03 AM

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Your story is an inspiration to all of us.  :eek
...There's something profoundly Darwinian about your approach,...

QuoteHere's what I did..
When I was young, i partied like crazy, drunk as much beer as possible, slept in my car because I shouldn't drive in such as state. On waking up went straight to the beach for a long days surf (no cleaning or washing - did that 2 days later). You wouldn't see me from Friday till Monday.. and I still wouldn't be able to tell you where I'd been. Girls... nah!.. beer and waves, sunrises and sunsets....UNTIL I suggested to my now brother-in-law (who incidently was also a party animal) that I should join his crowd for a booze cruise.
I met his sister when I was 'wild-n-crazy', but she liked that   - at first I ignored her, but after another chance meeting, things got very hot and it's been a permanent 'barbie' since.

When I was young, I had three sisters. And, so,...(and, don't get the wrong idea here) I always treated the women that I was attracted to as if they were my sister.
Some women can't stand that,...(and, they are the ones to avoid, anyway) and some women are completely comfortable with it.
You gotta be natural. From a psychlogical point of view, you want to be trusted,...because, you also want to be able to trust her. If you eventually have kids, this will be essential.



This is an interesting but kind of complex answer:
Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.


Quote from: baltoro on February 17, 2011, 09:42:47 PM
Your story is an inspiration to all of us.  :eek
...There's something profoundly Darwinian about your approach,...
:green2 I do go for the evolution stuff more than that spaceman on a flaming chariot!!

Quote from: baltoro on February 17, 2011, 09:42:47 PM want to be trusted,...because, you also want to be able to trust her. If you eventually have kids, this will be essential.
Ja this is another good point...
You have to get this sorted out from the very beginning.. no 'iffy' stuff, unless you're 'just going to be friends'

When I first met the wife, I asked 2 straight questions..
1) Do you have a boyfriend ? ('No!' ... 'Good!')
2) If we're going to 'go out', there's no messing around, otherwise I'm not interested - Are you OK with this? (OK... Good)

Edt: Didn't have time to finish this last night..

So once having 'ironed out' the basics, both of you must stick to the 'rules'. It's hard going sometimes, but in the long run, worth it in the end.


Having said this, it makes me laugh..

The wife, myself and the 2 boys were sitting there talking in the lounge.
Our eldest is 18 in June (no girlfriends yet - too busy with sport and academics - this works wonders  :green2 ) and the wife asks him what the latest 'chat-up' lines that the boys of today use. So me and my big mouth ' Hey, if you're interested in her, ask her ' Have you got a boyfriend', if no, then ask her out. Don't waste time 'fa.r.ting' around'.

They all roared with laughter saying that this was sooo stupid... to which I replied to the wife... 'you've forgotten how we started', and reminded her  :P.
The best was within the minute of this discussion.. on TV, this guy has just met this girl and guess what he asks her !!!!! 'Have you got a boyfriend ?'.
I turned to the family and laughed... and then I got all sorts of animations from them. :green2


I think the purpose/meaning of life is to perpetuate life itself. Maybe the idea of anything meaning anything
is more an artifact of the way the human mind works than any sort of reality ( the human mind always seeks to
find organization and stability in its environment so as to interact properly ). And given the cold hard fact that
time will slowly but surely erase every trace of human existence , culture and knowledge its not hard to argue
that anything that ever "occurs" is more or less arbitrary. It sort of reminds me of the Shakespeare line
"[life is ] .. a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."


I guess we never know what is life and create a new life. I wonder if we create something like robot and we think that it is alive and decide to end our lives, it was stupid.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


I always wonder why our heart beats?
What makes it beat and not stop?


It is the preprogrammed job of the individual cells in the hear to beat.... The cells themselves 'beat'....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Quote from: BytePtr on March 24, 2011, 10:01:11 PM
I always wonder why our heart beats?
What makes it beat and not stop?

There are 3 parts of our brain, the reptiles part, mamal parts and the last neo cortex.
It is on the reptiles part the heart beat function is hardwired. All of the 2 parts exclude the neo cortex put there to make us survive, even though we did not need it, but still it still force us to listen to em, they just make sure we keeping alive. And it is the neo cortex that able to make us do analysis, like talking, figuring out what is on people mind through their facial gesture etc. It is VERY ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. And all of that function is only writen on sperm, and that "software" build their own hardware inside womb.

My hipotesis is, we are literaly a light, deep inside our brain, an electron that jump from neuron, to neuron, "feeling" information, one by one, bit by bit. Maybe.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"

Bill Cravener

I turn 60 in another month and I can tell you what life is; it's what you regulars need to go out and get. So go out there and get one. Once you do, live it and love it, because in a blink of an eye it'll be all over. :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat



Life is a lottery, you have to be in it to win it. The meaning of life is what you do with it, if its sitting in a corner silently sobbing while brushing away the tear stains, then that is the meaning of life. If its skiing down Mount Everest and actually getting to the bottom, then that is the meaning of life. Most look for something inbetween but the actions is getting off your arse and doing something, those who wait do nothing and get nothing.
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Quote from: Farabi on March 25, 2011, 07:18:13 AM
My hipotesis is, we are literaly a light, deep inside our brain, an electron that jump from neuron, to neuron, "feeling" information, one by one, bit by bit. Maybe.

.while 1
; Do something
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Im hunger for knowledge, I do everything to find the answer. Someday, I will know the secret of the universe, but maybe not on this life.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: Farabi on April 22, 2011, 04:47:19 AM
Brain consist to 5 parts

This part is for our movement

This is for sensation like feel, hot, pain, cold etc

This is for anything related with sound

This is for visual processing

I Guess, all of the data processed above was sent here

Nah, mungkin semua dikirim kesini.

If it was right, I guess that limbic system is the real us. The operator of this body. WE, the one who felt this and that.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"