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Jeremy Scahill, Investigative Journalist and Author

Started by baltoro, May 09, 2011, 11:54:41 PM

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In my ongoing campaign to,...completely piss off every MASM assembly language programmer on Planet Earth,...
...I thought I'd introduce you guys to: JEREMY SCAHILL,...
Jeremy Scahill is probably best known as the author of: Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, (2007).
Jeremy Scahill ss an political analyst. He,...KNOWS EVERYTHING. Yes,...EVERYTHING,... :eek
Jeremy Scahill's brain is full of vitally important information about global war, defense contracting, government corruption, political upheaval, and, innocent civilians being tortured and murdered, with flies crawling on their eyeballs,... :eek

Here are a couple of YouTube tributes to Jeremy Scahill (April 4, 2011):   
Conversation with Great Minds - Jeremy Scahill, Part 1 (16:39 min), and,...
Conversation with Great Minds - Jeremy Scahill, Part 2 (11:19 min).
Here is a YouTube synopsis of: Blackwater: Shadow Army (Mar 2007)
...And, of course, Jeremy Scahill's comments on Osama bin Laden (May 2, 2011): Jeremy Scahill Comments on the Death of Osama Bin Laden and the US-led War on Terror.
There's even humor. Here is Jeremy Scahill with Bill Maher, on Libya, and Yemen (April 6, 2011): Bill Maher/Jeremy Scahill "America,....
He's also got a blog, at The Nation: Jeremy Scahill's Blog
Here is the Wikipedia page about: Jeremy Scahill.

:eek ...Strangely,...he NEVER mentions Australia,...EVER,...WEIRD,... :eek


He seems like an interesting enough dude, at least he is well informed.

> Strangely,...he NEVER mentions Australia,...EVER,...WEIRD,...

Not really, OZ security issues are not GABFEST driven. We actually HAVE caught and jailed terrorists planning attacks in OZ.
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Here's a COOL website: Halliburton Watch :eek

Iraq has the world's fourth largest crude oil reserves, behind Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Canada. Iraq announced last year that it has around 143 billion barrels of crude oil reserves, about 24 per cent more than previous estimates. Since mid-2009, oil export earnings have returned to levels seen before Operation Iraqi Freedom and government revenues have rebounded, along with global oil prices. The Iraqi Ministry of Oil said that the oil-rich nation will boost its production of crude to 3 million barrels per day (bpd) before the end of 2011. Current petroleum exports from Iraq (March, 2011) are estimated at 2.2 million barrels a day.

Economy of Iraq, Wikipedia