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Human skin is mass produced

Started by Farabi, May 09, 2011, 04:00:12 AM

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Indonesian language, but you can search another source I bet. I think the future is near.

Look at this robot

Look like a human right?
If we someday understand how to revive the dead, I think it would be cool. This universe is big enough for us. But, if there are star wars, I'll do suicide.

Care for a new body?

Anyway, somehow, we have to force our gov't to mass produce this robot to work on the farm. So food can be produced for free. We can use animal for this, but it is too hard to train em, so it will be easire to train a robot. I think the future would be bright.

What would be a problem on this robot I think is the Artificial Inteligent. Inventing something is what was difficult on a research, but, after something is invented, it is easy to reproduce. If AI development is stuck, we can use animal brain.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



there is always a catch with automation, produce robots that will do the job and the people who used to do the job go hungry. Those who own and control the robots don't care about who loses or who dies from the effects of losing their job. It leads to a society of elites and the rest die out.
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Quote from: hutch-- on May 09, 2011, 05:01:08 AM
Meet the workers dying to meet your iPad 2 demand

it would seem that such a purchase is over their dead body.  ::)

With robots people would still treat people like shit.... There is a level of responsibility the human race must attain before it designs such unnatural crimes against life.... If there were  morally concious robots governments would likely use them to micro-manage your life through introductions of various laws....

You would have as much control over a robot as you have over Windows (virtually none).... Not because the peices arent simple enough but simply for the same reason people treat people like shit.... Because 1 mind is incapable of adequetely maintaining the perspective of 2+ bodies.... If it were possible we'd be born with wifi and 2 bodies!

Logic 101 :lol
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


yah - but we are the guys that can write/modify their operating systems   :P

on the bright side, that would leave guys like bush and cheney "out of the loop"


Quote from: dedndave on May 09, 2011, 12:15:19 PM
yah - but we are the guys that can write/modify their operating systems   :P

on the bright side, that would leave guys like bush and cheney "out of the loop"

Ah but do we.... We do what we are paid to do and these guys will always hold the purse strings.... We do what we are paid to do because we need to live our lives not because we are doing the right thing.... Love and Money is the game.... 2 mutually exclusive concepts....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


with a little tuning, this could be the next big thing from moneysoft....


Quote from: oex on May 09, 2011, 12:17:49 PM
Quote from: dedndave on May 09, 2011, 12:15:19 PM
yah - but we are the guys that can write/modify their operating systems   :P

on the bright side, that would leave guys like bush and cheney "out of the loop"

Ah but do we.... We do what we are paid to do and these guys will always hold the purse strings.... We do what we are paid to do because we need to live our lives not because we are doing the right thing.... Love and Money is the game.... 2 mutually exclusive concepts....

You always right peter. But, what should we do? We need to protect ourselve, even by "killing" others.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: Farabi on May 10, 2011, 04:23:28 AM
You always right peter.

rofl that is a scary thought :bg.... I'll have to ask Baltoro for a second opinion but honestly I think the best that we can do is work hard at the right things regardless if they pay well, have benefits or give us life opportunities.... We carve a future through our actions....

There are many battles to fight always, many are not or not an obvious matter of life and death but still have great importance, for some ridicule is the weapon you will be attacked with.... It takes a real man to stand up and look a fool for the right purposes.... However any real fool can hide behind a gun....

The responsibility is on each and every one of us to try to do the right thing always.... I do not believe in wars but that does not mean that I am nieve enough to believe there is not perspective that exists that demands it, nor does it mean I do not respect those who take on that perspective faithfully to defend the ability to find the right path.... That does however mean that the responsibility is on me to always find the reasons that wars should not exist, and work hard to understand the issues that carve the right path....

Sometimes even the best of us make mistakes even Edgar and Michael (it's true though I can think of no examples offhand they are so often right :lol).... We learn by our mistakes.... Never be put off by them but also try never to compound them.... If someone abuses your trust never trust them again with anything but do not become Judge Judy Jury and Executioner
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking