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uniedit beta 3.

Started by hutch--, April 27, 2011, 04:55:35 AM

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This is almost a viable editor, it is still missing confirmation on file open and save but that is for a reason while I am working on it. It also does not yet save any settings as I am not yet sure of the final capacity and don't want to have to tweak it later.

I have added a test for files opened to see if they are unicode or not but let anything under 100 bytes through, garbage and all. It is mainly designed to warn about trying to open a binary file like a bitmap or icon and it appears to be doing that OK.

I had a play with using the Byte Order Mark (BOM) but as expected it makes a mess of the start of the file with some odd spacing so I have stuck to a pure unicode text editor that reads and writes in the default Windows unicode format. I need it to open and save unicode text exactly as it is stored in memory in an application and that prevents me from using any form of header.

I have added the Window menu so that you can shift from one instance to another quickly, the search and replace appear to be working properly and in any tested language. Right to left languages display text OK but the left to right logic excludes being able to sensibly edit right to left text.

What I need is for any member that have the time and the skills in non-european languages to test this to see if its working properly, the end target is a unicode editor that can among other things edit unicode RC scripts and be able to insert text of any language and character set into an RC script file as this means that character sets that cannot be represented in ANSI can be safely added in the RC script.
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