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Cost of United States Wars.

Started by Bill Cravener, April 18, 2011, 04:57:26 PM

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death is too easy for them
i want them to suffer for as long as possible
as i mentioned, they ripped off the citizens of the US
but, in doing so, they have screwed everyone in the entire world
i don't understand why there isn't more of an international cry for their conviction


You know the answer to why Dave, what it has ALWAYS been, those that have the Gold, make the rules...(also the more Bread you have, the less  Sh*t you have to eat in a sh*t sandwitch.)


 :eek ...Who would have ever guessed that the MASM Forum would become a hotbed of political activism,... ??? :eek
[...Still comfortably sitting on the couch, though,...]

Quote from: THE DAVE...I don't understand why there isn't more of an international cry for their conviction,...
:toothy ...When was the last time you did jury duty ??? :toothy


i don't understand the relevance of that question
but, seriously, that has nothing to do with what happens in other countries

it seems to me that citizens of other countries would have more sway, in this case, than US citizens
yet, i have heard nothing from outside the US about how bush/cheney/haliburton have fucked the whole world
when US citizens bitch about it, it falls on deaf ears
they could be tried in International Court at the Hague


:eek ...Sorry, Dave,... :eek
...As you've no doubt noticed,...I have a weird sense of humor. I am sympathetic to your point of view,...but, have you ever heard the comment: "...too dumb to figure out how to get out of jury duty" ??? Yeah. My point is: the justice department has a very difficult time prosecuting these complicated types of cases specificially because the typical jury is unable to follow the machiavellian intricacies of the case and return with a conviction. Everyone knows this,...and, so,...the district attorneys rarely even file the charges. They try to plea negotiate. This NEVER works.
They should put a death squad of irate assembly programmers in charge of rehabilitating these miscreants. It might actually be kinda fun.



Now come on, doesn't the Alaska connection have some appeal, render them through Botswanaland to Russia then secretly fly them across the straights to northern Alaska where its genuinely COLD. Feed them a bowl of some horrible gruel a day and flog them into working off their debt at a dollar a day. If the old Soviet could run secret gulags, why can't the US do it better ?

You could draft the people who ran the "facility" in Iraq and make the jailers in northern Alaska, a fitting end for both.  :P
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Is interesting how there could be homeless people in the USA when the government is burning money.

BTW: What happen to the: Leaving Iraq and Afganistan that Obama (nobel prize of peace) campain was based upon?

Does anyone knows how to initialize a peoples movement (a non violent way)? I am getting tired of all this and have some time to burn. I do not want to start a political party but just try and make people realize that if they continue to give their vote blindly all this will continue.


well, i guess you can either pick up a gun or pick up a pen
effective writing, whether it's books or articles, seems to be the best non-violent alternative


Quote from: XANATOSE...Does anyone knows how to initialize a peoples movement,...
Most of us here at the MASM forum are REALLY OLD,...and, we can all remember the public demonstrations that occurred in the United States in the 1970s. These were eventually effective in convincing the US government that the majority of American citizens were genuinely opposed to the Vietnam War.
The sheer numbers of people inviolved, and their dedication to political organization, and their persistence at recruiting ambivalent citizens was astounding. Frankly, I was amazed at the time that it could be done. But, those were the best of times, and, people were willing to give their lives to the righteous cause.
I don't think you'll ever see that kind of thing in America again.


Quote from: baltoroI don't think you'll ever see that kind of thing in America again.

Just wait until the parasitical half start loosing the unsupportable/unsustainable benefits they keep voting themselves, but not paying for. Sooner or later the people carrying all the freight will leave, or the money will simply run out. The kids of today simply aren't going to care a crap about the protestors from the 70's, now retired, and ill prepared to support themselves, when they start carping about all the benefits they are due. This will become particular focused, when the government tells the kids that these benefits won't be there for them, or at least finally admits it rather than kicking the can down the road. There won't be a protests, there will be a bloody revolution.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: Bill Cravener on April 18, 2011, 05:28:32 PMWorld war three couldn't come soon enough as for as I'm concerned. The world needs a good cleansing including the United States of America!

Some wars are totally avoidable; others are a pre-requisite to cleaning out the trash once in a while.

QuoteBTW: What happen to the: Leaving Iraq and Afganistan that Obama (nobel prize of peace) campain was based upon?
Well if the news about just short of 600 insurgents escaping prison in Afghanistan is anything to go by we're either going to stay a bit longer (very likely), or quit now (very unlikely).

Another crazy thought: did we let it happen? We were supposed to be over-seeing the Afghans running their own security, and this happens without our knowledge? I find it hard to believe. We didn't have ANYONE in there monitoring anything?

Best regards,


Quote from: dedndave on April 26, 2011, 08:02:53 PM
well, i guess you can either pick up a gun or pick up a pen
effective writing, whether it's books or articles, seems to be the best non-violent alternative
In order to pick a gun, you first need suporters. Otherwise they will kill you and make you a terrorist with the bought out media.
But a pen can only go so far. So I guess its a two step phase. First take a pen and gather suporters then take a gun.

For taking a pen, and maximizing results, one needs to know who to target. This in turn would allow to know the how and when.

Bill Cravener

I keep posting this one. Stop the phucking wars !!

And this.
QuoteFor starters, $1.2 trillion would pay for an unprecedented public health campaign — a doubling of cancer research funding, treatment for every American whose diabetes or heart disease is now going unmanaged and a global immunization campaign to save millions of children's lives.

What $1.2 Trillion Can Buy

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Hi Bill,

I think 1.2 trillion is a low ball estimate of the real cost of the wars. It's probably well over 2 trillion in real terms, but in reality its just an estimate since there are no real accounting principles applied to government spending. Government ledgers generally have more make believe in them than a Tolkien novel, they are designed from the ground up to meet a political talking point and not to reflect actual account balances. The removal of Saddam and the destabilization of the Taliban were arguably good objectives, however the commitment should have stopped there, it does nothing to pump in trillions of dollars and force soldiers into the role of "rent a cops" trying to rebuild a country that was a sh*thole before we got there and will be afterward regardless of how much wealth is wasted on them. I agree with you, its time for the troops to come home, their mission was completed years ago and keeping them there was never a military decision but a purely political one, we should have just blown them into the stone age and left it at that.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


i think the us gov't is dumping about a trillion a year into the 2 wars combined
of course, most of it goes to haliburton
at least their board of directors is happy 

i know, i know - the gov't isn't supposed to be "in business"
but, they are still making a profit by all the oil pumped out of Azerbaijan