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Undefined Symbol : DGROUP

Started by josefalarka, January 26, 2011, 02:10:10 AM

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What's wrong with this code, when I assembled this in MASM32 it says Undefined symbol: DGROUP.


    STR1  DB  'Enter the First character : $'
    STR2  DB  'Enter the Second character : $'
    STR3  DB  '$ : is first.'

     MOV AX, @DATA                ; initialize DS
     MOV DS, AX

     LEA DX, STR1                ; load and print STR1
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     MOV AH, 1                    ; read a character
     INT 21H

     MOV BL, AL                   ; save the input character into BL

     MOV AH, 2                    ; carriage return
     MOV DL, 0DH
     INT 21H

     MOV DL, 0AH                  ; line feed
     INT 21H

     LEA DX, STR2                 ; load and print STR2
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     MOV AH, 1                    ; read a character
     INT 21H

     MOV BH, AL                   ; save the input character into BH

     MOV AH, 2                    ; carriage return
     MOV DL, 0DH
     INT 21H

     MOV DL, 0AH                  ; line feed
     INT 21H

     LEA DX, STR3                 ; load and print STR3
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     CMP BL, BH                   ; compare the BL and BH

     JNBE @ELSE                   ; jump to label @ELSE if BL>BH

     MOV DL, BL                   ; move first character into DL
     JMP @DISPLAY                 ; jump to label @DISPLAY

     @ELSE:                       ; jump label
       MOV DL, BH                 ; move second character into DL

     @DISPLAY:                    ; jump label
       MOV AH, 2                  ; print the character
       INT 21H

     MOV AH, 4CH                  ; return control to DOS
     INT 21H


it is 16-bit code
you need to use a 16-bit linker, rather than the 32-bit linker
you should have one in the \masm32\bin folder named link16.exe

it assembles ok
i do see a problem with saving the first letter in BL
i do not remember if BX is preserved across INT 21h calls or not, but better to store it or push it onto the stack


here - try the attachment...


How to use 16-bit linker in masm32? I already have the link16.exe file.  I have use this command,

c:\masm32\link32 compare.asm
Run File [compare.exe] compare
List File []: compare
Libraries [.lib]: compare
Definitions File[nul.def]: compare
LINK : fatal error L1092: cannot open module-definition file - compare.def

Is there any way to modify this code in MASM32 32-bit syntax?


well - it is a 16-bit program
programs generally need to be totally rewritten for 32-bit   :bg
for one thing, there is no INT 21h service
but - segmentation is different and so on
this isn't a complex program, so it wouldn't be hard to do
but you'd more or less start from scratch

i attached a working version above


Quotec:\masm32\link32 compare.asm
Run File [compare.exe] compare
List File []: compare
Libraries [.lib]: compare
Definitions File[nul.def]: compare
LINK : fatal error L1092: cannot open module-definition file - compare.def

ok - first - i dunno where you got link32 - lol
this looks like link16 renamed as link32

for the definitions file, just hit enter, as you have no def file


I'm sorry it's link16 not link32. I try to translate this code in 32-bit format and I will post it here if it's done. Thanks for the help.


well - in the attachment, i sent a batch file named a16.bat
place it in the \masm32\bin folder - you may use it to assemble 16-bit code

a16 compare

on the other hand, it is better that you write in 32-bit
not sure what your instructor expects
he may be disappointed if you write 32-bit code that he doesn't understand - lol
he may also be disappointed if you use the masm32 libraries and macros to accomplish the task