Who could tell where to download source code of protected mode on 80386?

Started by leetow2003, November 18, 2010, 04:36:53 AM

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I am learning assemble about protected mode under 80386,
but I find almost codes on book
cann't run well,I want to get some codes,who could tell where to download,
or who could send me by e-mail?My e-mail is leetow2003@yahoo.com.cn ,
Thank you very much.


MASM32 Downloads.  It's in  the upper right corner of the forum home page. Look in the examples folder.


Quote from: GregL on November 18, 2010, 05:24:20 AM
MASM32 Downloads.  It's in  the upper right corner of the forum home page. Look in the examples folder.

you mean on this website to download masm32 and set up,and then
get the folder examples,don't you?
I do that according to you,and find the folder,but I
want to get the source codes under pure 80386 assemble,don't
want to get the win32 assemble codes,could you tell how to
get  the pure 80386 assemble source codes?



you'd probably enjoy this site...


they are always discussing this subject
from time to time, they have contests to see who can write the smallest boot code   :P


If you are going to create your own OS, this is not the place. FASM board should be more suitable. Anyway, MASM License is no allowing you to create your own OS.
Anyway, MASM is also known as Microsoft Macro Assembler.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



There is no such thing as pure assembler code that will run in a protected mode OS like Windows, you cannot interact with the OS at all unless you use the documented operating system functions to do it, disk IO, memory access and thousands of other things. You can write pure assembler algorithms that protected mode code can use but your IO must be done through operating system functions.

The Windows API functions and later COM and similar are many and complex but there is no simple shortcut to avoid them, learn to use at least some of them or you will not succeed in getting code to work in Windows.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum
https://masm32.com          https://masm32.com/board/index.php


Quoting the OP:

Quote from: leetow2003 on November 18, 2010, 04:36:53 AM
I am learning assemble about protected mode under 80386,

Quote from: leetow2003
My OS is XP,or reset to DOS

it's pretty clear from these statements that leetow2003 doesn't want to write Windows programs or his "own OS".

So, pals, why do feel obliged to "answer" if you don't read the questions?


i tend to give the benefit of doubt, especially when the poster has no mastery of English
i believe it may well be a language barrier issue, and that the poster has not expressed goals properly
in fact, what i gather is that they are trying to write code for a 386 embedded system
not much use in writing malicious code on that platform   :P


Quote from: dedndave on November 23, 2010, 10:32:17 AM
what i gather is that they are trying to write code for a 386 embedded system
? That's quite a deduction Sherlock  :lol
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.
