UDC - UserDefinedControls - Any info on how to use them in Radasm

Started by Teloboy, November 07, 2010, 01:39:40 PM

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OK, a newbie question which I am sure there are documents etc., but I have not found any on Google or this site.

I have created a very simple project to test this with. It's has a dialogbox as a main form, one button and an UDC. I names the UDC class as UCDCLASS and assembled it all ok. However, it fails to run correctly, it fails after sending a SETFONT windows message for some reason.

I am missing something very basic I know.. I presume it's something like I need to create a separate WinProc function for the UDC or something like... but I have not been able to do that either.

Here's the test code, please feel free to dive in and so me what I am missing or point me to some "how to's".
