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stdout.put error

Started by Emil_halim, November 05, 2010, 06:12:13 AM

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Hi all

i have found two masm macros for test the speed of function ,because i do not want to reinvent the wheel
i have included them inside #asm #endasm instruction,see the code below

the problem is the "stdout.put("ZeroMemory = " ,tst1, nl , "ZeroMemorySSE = " , tst2 );"
did not print any thing!!!!!!!!!!

is that a bug or error in the code?     

the code

program speed_test;

#include( "stdlib.hhf" );

  include \masm32\include\
  c_msvcrt typedef PROTO C :VARARG
  externdef __imp__GetCurrentProcess@0:PTR c_msvcrt
  GetCurrentProcess equ <__imp__GetCurrentProcess@0>
  externdef __imp__SetPriorityClass@8:PTR c_msvcrt
  SetPriorityClass equ <__imp__SetPriorityClass@8>
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; These two macros perform the grunt work involved in measuring the
  ; processor clock cycle count for a block of code. These macros must
  ; be used in pairs, and the block of code must be placed in between
  ; the counter_begin and counter_end macro calls. The counter_end macro
  ; returns the clock cycle count for a single pass through the block of
  ; code, corrected for the test loop overhead, in EAX.
  ; These macros require a .586 or higher processor directive.
  ; If your code is using MMX instructions and not executing an EMMS
  ; at the end of each MMX instruction sequence, defining the symbol
  ; _EMMS will cause the ctr_end macro to insert an EMMS in front of
  ; the FPU instructions.
  ; The loopcount parameter should be set to a relatively high value to
  ; produce repeatable results.
  ; Note that setting the priority parameter to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS
  ; involves some risk, as it will cause your process to preempt *all*
  ; other processes, including critical Windows processes. Setting the
  ; priority parameter to HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS instead will significantly
  ; reduce the risk, and in most cases will produce the same cycle count.
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    counter_begin MACRO loopcount:REQ, priority
        LOCAL label

        IFNDEF __counter__stuff__defined__
          __counter__stuff__defined__ equ <1>
          ALIGN 8             ;; Optimal alignment for QWORD
            __counter__qword__count__  dq 0
            __counter__loop__count__   dd 0
            __counter__loop__counter__ dd 0

        mov __counter__loop__count__, loopcount
        IFNB <priority>
          invoke GetCurrentProcess
          invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, priority
        xor   eax, eax        ;; Use same CPUID input value for each call
        cpuid                 ;; Flush pipe & wait for pending ops to finish
        rdtsc                 ;; Read Time Stamp Counter

        push  edx             ;; Preserve high-order 32 bits of start count
        push  eax             ;; Preserve low-order 32 bits of start count
        mov   __counter__loop__counter__, loopcount
        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop setup instructions finish
      ALIGN 16                ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
      @@:                     ;; Start an empty reference loop
        sub   __counter__loop__counter__, 1
        jnz   @B

        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop instructions finish
        rdtsc                 ;; Read end count
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
        sub   eax, ecx        ;; Low-order 32 bits of overhead count in EAX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
        sbb   edx, ecx        ;; High-order 32 bits of overhead count in EDX
        push  edx             ;; Preserve high-order 32 bits of overhead count
        push  eax             ;; Preserve low-order 32 bits of overhead count

        xor   eax, eax
        push  edx             ;; Preserve high-order 32 bits of start count
        push  eax             ;; Preserve low-order 32 bits of start count
        mov   __counter__loop__counter__, loopcount
        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop setup instructions finish
      ALIGN 16                ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
      label:                  ;; Start test loop
        __counter__loop__label__ equ <label>

    counter_end MACRO
        sub   __counter__loop__counter__, 1
        jnz   __counter__loop__label__

        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop instructions finish
        rdtsc                 ;; Read end count
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
        sub   eax, ecx        ;; Low-order 32 bits of test count in EAX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
        sbb   edx, ecx        ;; High-order 32 bits of test count in EDX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of overhead count
        sub   eax, ecx        ;; Low-order 32 bits of adjusted count in EAX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of overhead count
        sbb   edx, ecx        ;; High-order 32 bits of adjusted count in EDX

        mov   DWORD PTR __counter__qword__count__, eax
        mov   DWORD PTR __counter__qword__count__ + 4, edx

        invoke GetCurrentProcess
        invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS

        IFDEF _EMMS

        fild  __counter__qword__count__
        fild  __counter__loop__count__
        fistp __counter__qword__count__

        mov   eax, DWORD PTR __counter__qword__count__

  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; These two macros perform the grunt work involved in measuring the
  ; execution time in milliseconds for a specified number of loops
  ; through a block of code. These macros must be used in pairs, and
  ; the block of code must be placed in between the timer_begin and
  ; timer_end macro calls. The timer_end macro returns the elapsed
  ; milliseconds for the entire loop in EAX.
  ; These macros utilize the high-resolution performance counter.
  ; The return value will be zero if the high-resolution performance
  ; counter is not available.
  ; If your code is using MMX instructions and not executing an EMMS
  ; at the end of each MMX instruction sequence, defining the symbol
  ; _EMMS will cause the timer_end macro to insert an EMMS in front of
  ; the FPU instructions.
  ; The loopcount parameter should be set to a relatively high value to
  ; produce repeatable results.
  ; Note that setting the priority parameter to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS
  ; involves some risk, as it will cause your process to preempt *all*
  ; other processes, including critical Windows processes. Setting the
  ; priority parameter to HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS instead will significantly
  ; reduce the risk, and in most cases will produce very nearly the same
  ; result.
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    timer_begin MACRO loopcount:REQ, priority
        LOCAL label

        IFNDEF __timer__stuff__defined__
          __timer__stuff__defined__ equ <1>
          ALIGN 8             ;; Optimal alignment for QWORD
            __timer__pc__frequency__    dq 0
            __timer__pc__count__        dq 0
            __timer__loop__counter__    dd 0
            __timer__dw_count__         dd 0

        invoke QueryPerformanceFrequency, ADDR __timer__pc__frequency__
        .IF eax != 0

            IFNB <priority>
              invoke GetCurrentProcess
              invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, priority

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__

            mov   __timer__loop__counter__, loopcount
          ALIGN 16              ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
          @@:                   ;; Start an empty reference loop
            sub   __timer__loop__counter__, 1
            jnz   @B

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__

            pop   ecx           ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
            sub   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
            sbb   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4, ecx

            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4 ;; Overhead count
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__     ;; Overhead count

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__

            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4 ;; Start count
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__     ;; Start count

            mov   __timer__loop__counter__, loopcount
          ALIGN 16              ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
          label:                ;; Start test loop
            __timer__loop__label__ equ <label>

    timer_end MACRO
        sub   __timer__loop__counter__, 1
        jnz   __timer__loop__label__

        invoke QueryPerformanceFrequency, ADDR __timer__pc__frequency__
        .IF eax != 0

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
            sub   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
            sbb   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of overhead count
            sub   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of overhead count
            sbb   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4, ecx

            invoke GetCurrentProcess
            invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS

            IFDEF _EMMS

            fild  __timer__pc__count__
            fild  __timer__pc__frequency__
            mov   __timer__dw_count__, 1000
            fild  __timer__dw_count__
            fistp __timer__dw_count__
            mov   eax, __timer__dw_count__
          xor   eax, eax        ;; No performance counter



     buf  : char[1024];
     tst1 : uns32;
     tst2 : uns32;

#macro ZeroMemory(dest,bytes);
lea (edi,dest);
xor (eax,eax);
mov (bytes, ecx);
    pop (edi);
    pop (ecx);
    pop (eax);

#macro ZeroMemorySSE(dest,bytes);
lea (edi,dest);
mov (bytes, ecx);
    shr (12,ecx);
add   (16*4,edi);
sub   (1*4,ecx);
jnz   ( lop ); 
pop (edi);
    pop (ecx);

begin speed_test;

    #emit( " counter_begin 1000, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ");
    #emit( " counter_end ");
    #emit( " counter_begin 1000, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ");
    #emit( " counter_end ");
    stdout.put("ZeroMemory = " ,tst1, nl , "ZeroMemorySSE = " , tst2 );     

end speed_test;


why are you moving tst1 and tst2 to eax?  if the macros return in eax, you should be placing the value of eax in the variables, not the other way around.


yes , i was wrong.

it is a bit confused , don't know why hla does not use the mov as other assemblers!!!!!!!!

any way , thanks for your help.

here is the result in my computer

ZeroMemory = 562
ZeroMemorySSE = 29

here is the correct code , my be it is useful for someone else.

program speed_test;

  include \masm32\include\
  c_msvcrt typedef PROTO C :VARARG
  externdef __imp__GetCurrentProcess@0:PTR c_msvcrt
  GetCurrentProcess equ <__imp__GetCurrentProcess@0>
  externdef __imp__SetPriorityClass@8:PTR c_msvcrt
  SetPriorityClass equ <__imp__SetPriorityClass@8>
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; These two macros perform the grunt work involved in measuring the
  ; processor clock cycle count for a block of code. These macros must
  ; be used in pairs, and the block of code must be placed in between
  ; the counter_begin and counter_end macro calls. The counter_end macro
  ; returns the clock cycle count for a single pass through the block of
  ; code, corrected for the test loop overhead, in EAX.
  ; These macros require a .586 or higher processor directive.
  ; If your code is using MMX instructions and not executing an EMMS
  ; at the end of each MMX instruction sequence, defining the symbol
  ; _EMMS will cause the ctr_end macro to insert an EMMS in front of
  ; the FPU instructions.
  ; The loopcount parameter should be set to a relatively high value to
  ; produce repeatable results.
  ; Note that setting the priority parameter to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS
  ; involves some risk, as it will cause your process to preempt *all*
  ; other processes, including critical Windows processes. Setting the
  ; priority parameter to HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS instead will significantly
  ; reduce the risk, and in most cases will produce the same cycle count.
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    counter_begin MACRO loopcount:REQ, priority
        LOCAL label

        IFNDEF __counter__stuff__defined__
          __counter__stuff__defined__ equ <1>
          ALIGN 8             ;; Optimal alignment for QWORD
            __counter__qword__count__  dq 0
            __counter__loop__count__   dd 0
            __counter__loop__counter__ dd 0

        mov __counter__loop__count__, loopcount
        IFNB <priority>
          invoke GetCurrentProcess
          invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, priority
        xor   eax, eax        ;; Use same CPUID input value for each call
        cpuid                 ;; Flush pipe & wait for pending ops to finish
        rdtsc                 ;; Read Time Stamp Counter

        push  edx             ;; Preserve high-order 32 bits of start count
        push  eax             ;; Preserve low-order 32 bits of start count
        mov   __counter__loop__counter__, loopcount
        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop setup instructions finish
      ALIGN 16                ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
      @@:                     ;; Start an empty reference loop
        sub   __counter__loop__counter__, 1
        jnz   @B

        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop instructions finish
        rdtsc                 ;; Read end count
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
        sub   eax, ecx        ;; Low-order 32 bits of overhead count in EAX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
        sbb   edx, ecx        ;; High-order 32 bits of overhead count in EDX
        push  edx             ;; Preserve high-order 32 bits of overhead count
        push  eax             ;; Preserve low-order 32 bits of overhead count

        xor   eax, eax
        push  edx             ;; Preserve high-order 32 bits of start count
        push  eax             ;; Preserve low-order 32 bits of start count
        mov   __counter__loop__counter__, loopcount
        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop setup instructions finish
      ALIGN 16                ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
      label:                  ;; Start test loop
        __counter__loop__label__ equ <label>

    counter_end MACRO
        sub   __counter__loop__counter__, 1
        jnz   __counter__loop__label__

        xor   eax, eax
        cpuid                 ;; Make sure loop instructions finish
        rdtsc                 ;; Read end count
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
        sub   eax, ecx        ;; Low-order 32 bits of test count in EAX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
        sbb   edx, ecx        ;; High-order 32 bits of test count in EDX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of overhead count
        sub   eax, ecx        ;; Low-order 32 bits of adjusted count in EAX
        pop   ecx             ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of overhead count
        sbb   edx, ecx        ;; High-order 32 bits of adjusted count in EDX

        mov   DWORD PTR __counter__qword__count__, eax
        mov   DWORD PTR __counter__qword__count__ + 4, edx

        invoke GetCurrentProcess
        invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS

        IFDEF _EMMS

        fild  __counter__qword__count__
        fild  __counter__loop__count__
        fistp __counter__qword__count__

        mov   eax, DWORD PTR __counter__qword__count__

  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; These two macros perform the grunt work involved in measuring the
  ; execution time in milliseconds for a specified number of loops
  ; through a block of code. These macros must be used in pairs, and
  ; the block of code must be placed in between the timer_begin and
  ; timer_end macro calls. The timer_end macro returns the elapsed
  ; milliseconds for the entire loop in EAX.
  ; These macros utilize the high-resolution performance counter.
  ; The return value will be zero if the high-resolution performance
  ; counter is not available.
  ; If your code is using MMX instructions and not executing an EMMS
  ; at the end of each MMX instruction sequence, defining the symbol
  ; _EMMS will cause the timer_end macro to insert an EMMS in front of
  ; the FPU instructions.
  ; The loopcount parameter should be set to a relatively high value to
  ; produce repeatable results.
  ; Note that setting the priority parameter to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS
  ; involves some risk, as it will cause your process to preempt *all*
  ; other processes, including critical Windows processes. Setting the
  ; priority parameter to HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS instead will significantly
  ; reduce the risk, and in most cases will produce very nearly the same
  ; result.
  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    timer_begin MACRO loopcount:REQ, priority
        LOCAL label

        IFNDEF __timer__stuff__defined__
          __timer__stuff__defined__ equ <1>
          ALIGN 8             ;; Optimal alignment for QWORD
            __timer__pc__frequency__    dq 0
            __timer__pc__count__        dq 0
            __timer__loop__counter__    dd 0
            __timer__dw_count__         dd 0

        invoke QueryPerformanceFrequency, ADDR __timer__pc__frequency__
        .IF eax != 0

            IFNB <priority>
              invoke GetCurrentProcess
              invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, priority

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__

            mov   __timer__loop__counter__, loopcount
          ALIGN 16              ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
          @@:                   ;; Start an empty reference loop
            sub   __timer__loop__counter__, 1
            jnz   @B

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__

            pop   ecx           ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
            sub   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
            sbb   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4, ecx

            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4 ;; Overhead count
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__     ;; Overhead count

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__

            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4 ;; Start count
            push    DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__     ;; Start count

            mov   __timer__loop__counter__, loopcount
          ALIGN 16              ;; Optimal loop alignment for P6
          label:                ;; Start test loop
            __timer__loop__label__ equ <label>

    timer_end MACRO
        sub   __timer__loop__counter__, 1
        jnz   __timer__loop__label__

        invoke QueryPerformanceFrequency, ADDR __timer__pc__frequency__
        .IF eax != 0

            invoke QueryPerformanceCounter, ADDR __timer__pc__count__
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of start count
            sub   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of start count
            sbb   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover low-order 32 bits of overhead count
            sub   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__, ecx
            pop   ecx           ;; Recover high-order 32 bits of overhead count
            sbb   DWORD PTR __timer__pc__count__ + 4, ecx

            invoke GetCurrentProcess
            invoke SetPriorityClass, eax, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS

            IFDEF _EMMS

            fild  __timer__pc__count__
            fild  __timer__pc__frequency__
            mov   __timer__dw_count__, 1000
            fild  __timer__dw_count__
            fistp __timer__dw_count__
            mov   eax, __timer__dw_count__
          xor   eax, eax        ;; No performance counter


#include( "stdlib.hhf" );


     buf  : char[1024];
     tst1 : uns32;
     tst2 : uns32;

#macro ZeroMemory(dest,bytes);
    USE(eax, ecx, edi)
lea (edi,dest);
xor (eax,eax);
mov (bytes, ecx);

#macro ZeroMemorySSE(dest,bytes);
    USE(ecx, edi)
lea (edi,dest);
mov (bytes, ecx);
    shr (6,ecx);
add   (16*4,edi);
sub   (1*4,ecx);
jnz   ( lop ); 

begin speed_test;

    #emit( " counter_begin 10000000, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ");
    #emit( " counter_end ");
    #emit( " counter_begin 10000000, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ");
    #emit( " counter_end ");
    stdout.put("ZeroMemory = " ,(type uns32 tst1), nl , "ZeroMemorySSE = " , tst2 );     

end speed_test;