Newbie--Could Not Open an Input File error

Started by satpro, October 20, 2010, 05:37:36 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I'm a noob in x86 assembly and am using GoAsm (which seems like the one for me) and EasyCode for the working environment.  This is much more involved than 6502, that's for sure!  Compiling and linking are new to me, as is the concept of resources.  My problem is this:

I have a simple do-nothing window that assembles just fine--the first time.  After running the executable and/or switching tasks I'll get an error that looks like the following.

Compiling resources...
Assembling: winMain

Could not open an input file (c864.RES)
Output file not made

Errors ocurred.

It seems like the error occurs after switching to a different directory, or when switching to another process on the computer and then back to EasyCode.  If I then compile resources directly from the Build menu everything returns to peachy like below.  Sorry if this is a repeat question, but I couldn't find an exact answer searching.

Compiling resources...
Assembling: winMain

c864.exe - No error
68096 bytes

c864.exe is in the debug folder.

What in the world am I missing?  It seems like a directory issue but I'm not sure.  Please help.


Bert (glad to be here)

Ramon Sala

Hi satpro,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for using Easy Code.

Please let me have a look at the error you report and I'll come back to you.

Greetings from Catalonia

Ramon Sala

Hi again,

After trying and trying, the only way I found to get the error you reported is If you tried to compile (or build) the project when the executable file is running:

Compiling resources...
Assembling: winMain

Could not open an input file (c864.EXE)
Output file not made

Errors ocurred.

If so, you must close the executable first before trying to compile again, but I couldn't get an error for c864.RES file. Did I misunderstand anything?

Greetings from Catalonia


Hi Ramon,

You did not misunderstand--and thanks for looking into it for me.  I've been playing around with it and it's not a consistent error, which is making me think hardware.  I'll try a new drive and see what happens.  In the meantime I've been able to work around it by first compiling resources from the "Build" menu each time, which works fine.

Thanks again. Thought I'd just tell ya--Easy Code is a very nice product to work with.


Ramon Sala

Hi Bert,

Thanks for your kind words about Easy Code. I'm glad you like it.

If I can help you in anyway, you know where to find me.

Greetings from Catalonia