GUI Frontend for Compiling: QuickCompile!

Started by KnuttyD, October 14, 2010, 03:08:58 AM

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Hey guys!  :P
(I hope this is the right place to post this!  ::) )
This is my first post here, and I would like to show you my GUI Frontend for compiling and linking my ASM files. It works pretty well, or at least the way I've been testing it.
It is written in AutoHotKey, so it should be stable on all Windows OS's Win2000 forward. Its been tested on 7 and XP.

Heres the file:
Size:  416 KB (No upx)

  • New link parser allows for total control of switches
  • Export Batch file to compile files
  • Lotsa code cleanup
  • Hold GUI and Logic in seperate files

Size:  205 KB

  • Edit switches to Ml and Link
  • Run EXE from interface
  • Run ASM from interface
  • Misc. Code Cleanup

Size:  205 KB

  • Smaller file size
  • Misc. Code Cleanup

Size: 2,031 KB

  • Simple Error Handling
  • Select between Windows and Console Subsystem
  • Run EXE From Program
  • Better console logging (ran commands, debugging info)


If you find any use for it (or any bugs, I'm guessing there's a lot  :bg ), feedback would be greatly appriciated!



f you find any use for it (or any bugs, I'm guessing there's a lot  BigGrin ), feedback would be greatly appriciated!

AFAICS the status is:

- you're a very new member
- your app is supplied as an EXE only
- it's size is 2 MB - for a GUI to assemble+link asm files?

I guess some members - including me - are a bit cautious and won't try your tool under such conditions. Please don't take that personally!


The secret behind its bloated 2Mb size is use of seven identical icons (260.8Kb each) :lol
as for usefulness, it makes more sense to have one package: source code editor + that can be configured to compile / build + and capture console's output, like Scite, PNotepad, etc., wouldn't u agree ?..


i think it's a good idea
but there is room for improvement
one thing i can see is missing is command-line switches for both assembly and linking
switches vary with different versions, too
it would be cool to create editable profiles
under one profile, for example, i might use a specific version of assembler, linker, and a set of switches
you could then remove the windows gui/console selection, as it would be set up in the profile
also - you could add steps to build with resource files
then, the user could select a specific proflle each time they build
after that, add an editor, disassembler, and a debugger, and you have a nice IDE - lol

but - i am with Jeremy - new member - no source - we aren't going to get too excited   :P


Where's the option for a resource file and/or script?
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


A good idea is compile a radasm project from explorer right click

example :

right click on a Radasm project file and compile it .
with popup a little window for information from ml and linker,resource compiler
(like status output from radasm)

This is a nice idea :U


Thanks for all the feedback! I'm on a school comp, so I cant upload the source right now, but I'll get to it later today. Ill fix the bloated EXE too.
QuoteI guess some members - including me - are a bit cautious and won't try your tool under such conditions. Please don't take that personally!
Its all good, I've been on a couple of fourms, and I wouldent trust some random guy thats never posted on that forum before  ::)

Also, this was ment to be a little project just for what I was doing: compiling REALLY simple ASM files  :lol not anything with RC files. But as I advance in my ASM ill see if I can add thoes in


It would be cool if the settings can be selected from a database, for example separately for Masm, and also for jwasm, for example. The choice of keys to build a very useful too!  ::)


OK, new versons up. I took out the icons (cut the file size down 10 times!) and the source is there too.

Again, this was written by a person who is JUST starting out with assmebler, so dont expect too much  :bg I just wrote it so I wouldent have to keep going into the command line, and linking and compiling my files  ::) .

If you find any use for it, well, thanks for using it!
As for it being an IDE.. hmm... maybe a future project  :P




Can you do the export of all settings in the bat file, or if not at bat, then saved in ini file.
And what about the resource file? Sometimes it is defined in a subdirectory.


QuoteAnd what about the resource file? Sometimes it is defined in a subdirectory.
Err.... Resource file? Sorry, but I'm still *very* new to this  :eek so bear with me. I have done (some) GUI progging in C++, is it anything like an RC file in C++?
How would you normally include that if you were compiling at the command line?

QuoteCan you do the export of all settings in the bat file, or if not at bat, then saved in ini file.
I'll see what I can do. Do you mean like export a BAT file that will do the compiling and linking?


just have a look at the batch files that are in masm32\bin
some of them show you how to compile the resource file and link


You have three hard-coded paths in there,
Are you sure it will work if e.g. the assembler sits in D:\masm32\bin\ml.exe?
I am not eager to test it because I still have not understood why your executable is upx'ed and calls wsock.dll ::)