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Strings Degrading??

Started by RedGhost, April 23, 2005, 06:31:41 PM

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hey i cant explain this

szFileName  BYTE 255, 0 ;will hold the filename

;get the path
push 255
push offset szFileName
push NULL
call GetModuleFileName

;get the strlen
push offset szFileName
call lstrlen

;change the extension in the string to .dll
mov [szFileName+eax-3], 'd'
mov [szFileName+eax-2], 'l'
mov [szFileName+eax-1], 'l'

now a simple test

push MB_OK
push NULL
push offset szFileName
push NULL
call MessageBox

the string is correct !
but if i try to use the string again, it screws up majorly
eg: i call the EXACT same messagebox code as above
but this time it prints like "C:\Doc" instead of the full path


You're only allocated 2 bytes with the values 255 for the first and 0 for the second one, use this instead:

; alloc an array of 255 bytes
szFileName  BYTE 255 dup(0) ;will hold the filename

Also you should use MAX_PATH (defined in constant instead of 255.


Quote from: hitchhikr on April 23, 2005, 07:10:41 PM
You're only allocated 2 bytes with the values 255 for the first and 0 for the second one, use this instead:

; alloc an array of 255 bytes
szFileName  BYTE 255 dup(0) ;will hold the filename

Also you should use MAX_PATH (defined in constant instead of 255.

works thanks, was only chapter 4 of the masm programmers guide

dup is chapter 5 xD