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Is OSDev using HLA possible?

Started by hackerlabs, May 27, 2010, 07:05:12 PM

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Hello, everybody!
I'm in the process of designing my own kernel, written in FreeBASIC, which would link with the OSKit libraries.
You can read more about it here:

Now, the thing is this: I *am* in love with assembly, especially HLA.
And of course, I'd like nothing better, than to write my kernel in HLA.
After all, one of the reasons I chose to use FreeBASIC(apart from Visual Basic being the first lanaguage I learnt) is that it is very simplistic..and elegant.
But then, so is HLA!
So, the question is: Is writing such a kernel possible using HLA?
I know for one, that it is easy to link with existing C libraries.
But the main part? Can it be done?

Thanks and cheers!


Hey there!

Haha...I just read the HLA FAQ.
Q. 33 - Can I write an OS with HLA?
A -----> Of course you can.  If you can write it in C, you can certainly write it in HLA.

Now that is more like it!
I think I'm going to fork my project into two parts.
One branch is going to go ahead with the FreeBASIC plan.
The other branch will solely deal with using HLA to write the exact same kernel.

What do you people think?



Quote from: Rudi MK on May 27, 2010, 08:31:10 PM
Hey there!

Haha...I just read the HLA FAQ.
Q. 33 - Can I write an OS with HLA?
A -----> Of course you can.  If you can write it in C, you can certainly write it in HLA.

Now that is more like it!
I think I'm going to fork my project into two parts.
One branch is going to go ahead with the FreeBASIC plan.
The other branch will solely deal with using HLA to write the exact same kernel.

What do you people think?


Carry on the good job and let us know  :U

Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


Quote from: frktons on May 27, 2010, 09:04:05 PM

Carry on the good job and let us know  :U


It's been hectic, these last couple of months, with graduation, my job and all.
but come next month...and I'm going to burn the midnight processors  :lol


I'm also planning an Esperanto version of the kernel  :wink


For multilingual computers? :lol
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


i pop into the forums at from time to time
i was a little surprised to see they write mostly in C
i would have thought ASM would be the way to fly   :bg
at any rate, it is a great forum for anyone writing their own OS


Quote from: dedndave on May 28, 2010, 06:35:43 AM
i pop into the forums at from time to time
i was a little surprised to see they write mostly in C
i would have thought ASM would be the way to fly   :bg
at any rate, it is a great forum for anyone writing their own OS

portability, maybe?
Linux itself is written mostly in C (and a few ASM)


Quote from: oex on May 27, 2010, 11:40:04 PM
For multilingual computers? :lol

Well..not really. I'm just an Esperantist at heart :P

Quote from: Sevag.K on May 28, 2010, 12:41:09 AM

Have you thought about Lojban?

To be I actually never heard of it. But I just checked it out, and why not? A Lojban version would be great!

Quote from: dedndave on May 28, 2010, 06:35:43 AM
i pop into the forums at from time to time
i was a little surprised to see they write mostly in C
i would have thought ASM would be the way to fly   :bg
at any rate, it is a great forum for anyone writing their own OS

It is an amazing place! The wiki is fabulous, and the people there do know their thing ;)

Quote from: TmX on May 28, 2010, 08:59:33 AM
Quote from: dedndave on May 28, 2010, 06:35:43 AM
i pop into the forums at from time to time
i was a little surprised to see they write mostly in C
i would have thought ASM would be the way to fly   :bg
at any rate, it is a great forum for anyone writing their own OS

portability, maybe?
Linux itself is written mostly in C (and a few ASM)

I think it's more than that. I remember reading somewhere on the wiki, that the community considers C as the "lingua franca" of programming. Plus, of course, all the other benefits - no runtime support, lot s of documentation, yadda yadda.


Quote from: dedndave on May 28, 2010, 06:35:43 AM
i pop into the forums at from time to time
i was a little surprised to see they write mostly in C
i would have thought ASM would be the way to fly   :bg
at any rate, it is a great forum for anyone writing their own OS

But, I never had fun checking out that forum than I have here.
People seem to be much more fun here! :D

Randall Hyde

Quote from: Rudi MK on May 27, 2010, 07:05:12 PM
Hello, everybody!
I'm in the process of designing my own kernel, written in FreeBASIC, which would link with the OSKit libraries.
You can read more about it here:

Now, the thing is this: I *am* in love with assembly, especially HLA.
And of course, I'd like nothing better, than to write my kernel in HLA.
After all, one of the reasons I chose to use FreeBASIC(apart from Visual Basic being the first lanaguage I learnt) is that it is very simplistic..and elegant.
But then, so is HLA!
So, the question is: Is writing such a kernel possible using HLA?
I know for one, that it is easy to link with existing C libraries.
But the main part? Can it be done?

Thanks and cheers!

The only thing that can't be done in HLA is the boot loader. That has to be written in 16-bit mode; that's a short program that can be written in MASM or a similar assembler.  Generally, it's 1K or less of code, so that's no big deal (compared to the rest of the kernel).
Randy Hyde


If one was to use GRUB as a bootloader would there still need to be any 16 bit code in the OS ?
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
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grub allows you to load a kernel image directly.  but the kernel has to live in 1mb+


Quote from: Randall Hyde on June 07, 2010, 04:55:11 PM
The only thing that can't be done in HLA is the boot loader. That has to be written in 16-bit mode; that's a short program that can be written in MASM or a similar assembler. Generally, it's 1K or less of code, so that's no big deal (compared to the rest of the kernel).
Randy Hyde

Hello, Randy!
This is pretty unexpected, but I'm glad we meet :P
I'm a huge fan of HLA, so...

Okay. That won't be an issue - a little 16-bit code won't hurt. I may not use MASM, though. Licensing issues.


Quote from: Sevag.K on June 26, 2010, 02:13:50 AM
grub allows you to load a kernel image directly. but the kernel has to live in 1mb+

Exactly. I think it's neater to write your own bootloader - gives you more freedom!