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show file size in bytes thats over 4gigs

Started by ecube, April 30, 2010, 01:28:00 AM

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I read GetFileAttributesEx is one of the fastest, my question is, is fpulib the only easy way for me to display a files bytes thats over 4 gigs as a string?

"file size is highSize*2^32+lowSize"


hiya Cube
i seem to recall some 64-bit integer to decimal routines about 6 months ago
is that what you mean - i can probably find them
it was JJ, drizz, lingo, and myself, as well as a few others

this is the basis of one by Drizz that was pretty snappy   :bg

; A1::A0 = (A1::A0 * B1::B0) >> 64
_mul_64x64_top64_2 macro A0:req,A1:req, B0:req,B1:req
mov eax,dword ptr B0
mul A0
mov ecx,edx; d1
mov eax,dword ptr B1
mul A0
add ecx,eax;e0
mov A0,0
adc A0,edx;e1
mov eax,dword ptr B0
mul A1
add ecx,eax;f0
mov eax,dword ptr B1
adc A0,edx;f1
mov ecx,0
mov edx,A1
adc ecx,ecx
mul edx
mov A1,ecx
add A0,eax
adc A1,edx

;; edi::esi == 18446744073709551615
or edi,-1
or esi,-1

mov ebx,esi
_mul_64x64_top64_2 esi, edi, 8461CEFDh, 0ABCC7711h; /100000000
shrd esi,edi,26
shr edi,26
mov eax,100000000
mul esi
sub ebx,eax
; ebx == first 8 digits ("09551615")
; edi::esi == top 12 digits ("184467440737")
mov ebx,esi
_mul_64x64_top64_2 esi, edi, 8461CEFDh, 0ABCC7711h; /100000000
shrd esi,edi,26
imul eax,esi,100000000
sub ebx,eax
; ebx == second 8 digits ("67440737")
; esi == top 4 digits ("1844")


Something quick I knocked together to convert a 64-bit number to decimal ASCII in a C string. The output string needs 21 chars for maximal output including NUL.

I64toDecimalASCII PROC lo:DWORD, hi:DWORD, outstr:PTR BYTE

push ebx

mov eax,lo
mov edx,hi

mov ecx,10 ; Base 10 decimal

push 0 ; NUL


; edx:eax = edx:eax / 10, ebx = edx:eax % 10

xor ebx,ebx
xchg eax,ebx
xchg eax,edx
div ecx
xchg eax,ebx
div ecx
xchg edx,ebx

add ebx,030h ; convert digit to ASCII
push ebx ; stack

mov ebx,eax ; edx:eax == 0
or ebx,edx
jnz divloop

mov ebx,outstr ; string, at least 21 chars


pop eax ; unstack characters
mov [ebx],al
inc ebx
or eax,eax ; NUL
jnz unstack

pop ebx

I64toDecimalASCII ENDP

I'm pretty sure the edx:eax = edx:eax / ecx, ebx = edx:eax % ecx, will work for all non-zero values of ecx, but I'd didn't check it exhaustively, just did the long division from memory.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


thanks guys, I went with clives because its exactly what I needed, and it seems to work great  :dance:(showed a 8gig file in bytes correctly  :clap:)

dedndave, lingos code usually makes my head want to explode heh.

I hope hutch adds this function to the lib, perhaps in a getfilesize func, that way even large files are no problem


it looks quite similar to the one i had in that other thread
the other guys mopped the floor up with me - lol

that was a Drizz routine - which was quite fast
Lingo had one a bit faster, but it was large
if you take the macro above and expand it in the 2 places it is used, you can shrink the Drizz routine down a bit
if i recall, it was about 10 times faster than my multiple precision divide, like Clives

i can't seem to find that thread - it was last August or so

there is a difference between mine and Clive's
i divided by 100000000 and extracted 8 decimal digits per pass
it was losely based on some old 16-bit code that Paul Dixon had written long ago   :bg


Lots of XCHG instructions which are pretty slow, they can be replaced by XOR's, for example:

xchg eax,ebx

; can be replaced by:

xor     eax,ebx
xor     ebx,eax
xor     eax,ebx

Not sure how much of a speed advantage it will give though....

Also the div ecx can be replaced by reciprocal multiplication though you'll have to work out the registers (replace EDX in the routine with ECX so EDX is free):

mov edx, 3435973837
mul edx
shr edx, 3
mov eax,edx

I generally use the routine by The Svin, not sure how fast it is in comparison to any others though:

dq2ascii FRAME pqwValue,lpBuffer
uses ebx, esi, edi
LOCAL qtemp :Q

; The Svin

mov esi,[pqwValue]
mov edi,[lpBuffer]
mov edx,[esi]
mov eax,[esi+4]

cmp eax,0DE0B6B3h
jc  >C1
jne >C2
cmp edx,0A7640000h
jc  >C1
cmp eax,8AC72304h
jc  >D1
jne >D2
cmp edx,89E80000h
jc  >D1
mov B[edi],'1'
sub edx,89E80000h
lea edi,[edi+1]
sbb eax,8AC72304h

mov B[edi],'/'
inc B[edi]
sub edx,0A7640000h
sbb eax,0DE0B6B3h
jnc <
add edx,0A7640000h
adc eax,0DE0B6B3h
inc edi

mov [qtemp],edx
mov [qtemp+4],eax

sub esp,10
fild Q[qtemp]
fbstp T[esp]
xor esi,esi
pop eax
bswap eax
mov ebx,eax  

mov ecx,eax
mov bl,bh

shr ecx,16
mov ah,al

shr bl,4
shr al,4

and bh,0fh
and ah,0fh

shl ebx,16
and eax,0FFFFh

mov edx,ecx
mov cl,ch

mov dh,dl
shr cl,4

shr dl,4
and ch,0fh

and dh,0fh
shl ecx,16

lea eax,[eax+ebx+30303030h]
lea edx,[edx+ecx+30303030h]

mov [edi+10],eax
mov [edi+14],edx
xor esi,1
lea edi,[edi-8]
jne <

mov ah,[esp]
add edi,16
mov al,ah
add esp,2
shr  al,4
mov esi,[lpBuffer]
and eax,0f0fh
or eax,3030h
mov [edi],ax
cmp edi,esi
mov B[edi+18],0
jne >P1
mov ecx,-20
add edi,19
inc ecx
cmp B[edi+ecx],30h
je <
mov eax,ecx
js >Z0
neg eax
add esi,eax
mov al,[edi+ecx]
mov [esi+ecx],al
inc ecx
jne <

mov B[esi+1],0
jmp P1

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


here we go - found it


AscBuf  DB      '01234567890123456789',0  ;20 ASCII digits


Asc64   PROC

;Convert 64-bit unsigned integer to ASCII decimal string
;Call With: EDX:EAX= QWORD value to convert
;  Returns: EDI= Offset into AscBuf of first numchar

        mov     edi,offset AscBuf+18
        mov     ecx,edx
        xchg    eax,esi
        mov     ebx,100

Asc64a: xor     edx,edx
        xchg    eax,ecx
        div     ebx
        xchg    eax,ecx
        xchg    eax,esi
        div     ebx
        xchg    eax,esi
        xchg    eax,edx
        xchg    al,ah
        or      ax,3030h
        mov     eax,ecx
        or      eax,esi
        jnz     Asc64a

        inc     edi
        inc     edi
        cmp byte ptr [edi],30h       ;leading 0 ?
        jz      Asc64b               ;yes - supress it

        ret                          ;no - done

Asc64b: inc     edi

Asc64   ENDP

as you can see, i used XCHG also - lol
but DIV is what makes this code slow
i could also speed it up by getting rid of STOSW and STD/CLD

EDIT - oh - this is an early version - i was dividing by 100
there is a faster version someplace that divides by 100,000,000


I make no representation that my routine is quick, it's a five minute interview question to see if someone can code on a whiteboard without notes.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


i'd hire ya, Clive   :P

those other guys were making me look bad
it was about that time that the ling long kai fang idea popped into my head and i quit playing with 64-bit
seeing as they had me beat for smaller integers - i went and played ball in another court - lol


sounds like wemight need to do a new speedtest setup, to test for correctness aswell, perhaps i'm being nickpicky but the passing function params by registers seems abit hackish, using params is nice for other languages like C/C++ :D


well - i was a complete n00b to 32-bit code, then   :bg
in the old 16-bit days, passing parms in register was quite common
i don't want anyone to stick that particular routine in a timer - lol - it is sad, i am sure

as for testing for correctness, you can't do a brute force test - it would take forever to test all 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 values


Quote from: clive on April 30, 2010, 03:32:17 AM
I make no representation that my routine is quick, it's a five minute interview question to see if someone can code on a whiteboard without notes.

Hi Clive,

No defamation of your code was intended just spotted a couple of things that I ran into this week while trying to write an instruction size decoder for GoP (not that I'm getting very far, lots of IA32 reference study and not a lot of coding).

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


on quick testing of the optimization of xor, it actually seems to of made it slower, also donkey how do I represent T[] in masm? you're using it with fbstp T[


"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


thanks i'll have speed test up in a moment