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hutch's dynamic array

Started by joemc, March 06, 2010, 07:29:00 AM

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I have not finished reading over all of the posts for dynamic arrays, I hear hutch talk about improving it... but how would this compare to a C++ STL vector?

In the end what i am trying to achieve is a tab control that can grow or shrink from 1 to a fairly large number.  I may just go with a linked list since i can probably figure out a decent performing one myself. 

The other idea i have is an "array" of pointers that is obviously larger than needed and just dynamically create the data.

I will read more but just wanted to hear a few opinions.


What exactly do you mean with a "dynamic" array? Something like this?

Quoteinclude \masm32\MasmBasic\   ; the library is here

start:   Dim My$(4)
   For_ n=0 To 4
      Let My$(n)="Tab "+Str$(5-n)
   Insert My$(0)
   Let My$(0)="Tab 0, inserted"
   Insert My$(3)
   Let My$(3)="Tab 3, inserted"
   Delete My$(1)
   Print "The array:"
   For_ n=0 To 5
      Print Str$("\nArray element #%i\t", n), My$(n)
   QSort My$()
   Print CrLf$, CrLf$, "The array, sorted:"
   For_ n=0 To 5
      Print Str$("\nArray element #%i\t", n), My$(n)
   inkey Chr$(13, 10, 10, "Press any key")
end start

The array:
Array element #0        Tab 0, inserted
Array element #1        Tab 4
Array element #2        Tab 3, inserted
Array element #3        Tab 3
Array element #4        Tab 2
Array element #5        Tab 1

The array, sorted:
Array element #0        Tab 0, inserted
Array element #1        Tab 1
Array element #2        Tab 2
Array element #3        Tab 3
Array element #4        Tab 3, inserted
Array element #5        Tab 4


Quote from: joemc on March 06, 2010, 07:29:00 AM
In the end what i am trying to achieve is a tab control that can grow or shrink from 1 to a fairly large number.  I may just go with a linked list since i can probably figure out a decent performing one myself. 

The other idea i have is an "array" of pointers that is obviously larger than needed and just dynamically create the data.

I will read more but just wanted to hear a few opinions.

What you want to do is absolutely sufficiently covered by a simple linked list - or nothing at all, because the array is probably adequately managed by the control itself, see the lParam member of TCITEM.



The technique behind the dynamic arrays in the last masm32 version are a basic logic of an array of handles that each point to a seperately allocated block of memory and its virtue is it can be adjusted from very small to very large dynamically. The price is a single static allocation chopped up in whatever way you like is a lot faster to start and to change but it is not adjustable like a dynamic array.
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