How to configure Notepad++ for assembly coding?

Started by nunos, January 21, 2010, 11:19:35 AM

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Is anyone here using Notepad++ as assembly editor? How to configure it so that I can assemble the code from notepad++?

I suppose this is possible as I have compiled C++ directly from Notepad++ before.



I just use batch files. But it seems to be easy to add new entries to the "Run" menu.


Quote from: BlackVortex on January 22, 2010, 04:54:09 AM
I just use batch files. But it seems to be easy to add new entries to the "Run" menu.

Thanks for your reply. Could you please be more specific. I am kind of new to assembly and have no idea how to go about it.



If you know how to set up a file on the RUN menu of Notepad++ then for each project you create a batch file that will build it with the options you want, use the same name for every project batch file then when you have that done, write your code then select the batch file from the RUN menu to build it.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum


I don't know which to write in the batch file...

All I know, is that, when I am in masm32, I just go to Tools->Console Build All. How can I "simulate" that problematically? What are the options?


I'm not advocating this is the best way to do it, but rather just what I use

1. I've pinned COMMAND PROMPT to my start menu and then immdiately invoke a file called ASSM.BAT.  I've setup this invokation to go to D:\Assembly which is root of all my projects

set lib=..\lib
set include=..\include

2. Then I log into my directory of choice and use HIEDITOR where I load whatever source and resource files I'm working with.  For a project I'm working on called INFOM I have a batch file called INFOMATIC which

@echo off
del ..\Infom.*
: -----------------------------------------
: assemble switch.asm into an OBJ file
: -----------------------------------------
ml /c /coff /Zi /Cp /D_DEBUG_=1 Infom.asm FileIO.asm
if errorlevel 1 goto errasm

Link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /stack:0x8000 /debug /debugtype:both /out:Infom.exe /merge:.const=.rdata FileIO Infom Infom.res
if errorlevel 1 goto errlink
goto debug

: ----------------------------------------------------
: display message if there is an error during linking
: ----------------------------------------------------
echo There has been an error while linking this project.
goto TheEnd

: -----------------------------------------------------
: display message if there is an error during assembly
: -----------------------------------------------------
echo There has been an error while assembling this project.
goto TheEnd

ollydbg Infom *.INF


If everything works alright then Im taken immedialy into Ollybug