New toy for mangling text that returns a string function Version 1.0a.

Started by hutch--, January 05, 2010, 05:58:43 AM

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I have needed this one for a while, a method of routinely mangling text so it does not appear in the initialised data section at all. It can be broken but its a genuine pain in the ass to do and its like picking fly specks out of pepper.

Paste text into the tool, plonk the convert button and bingo, you have a working basic string function that returns the original string. Its form is randomised and for the would be cracker they must be able to re-edit it back into something intelligible just to modify the text. Gone are the days when you could just open an app in a hex editor and tweak the string data to something else, with this mrethod they will actually have to work hard to change it.

LATER: (next morning) I have done the mod that Ghandi suggested and it seems to work OK. It sets a flag on conversion that does not allow it to reconvert the result but clears the flag on either pasting text in from the clipboard or the clear button.
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Nice work Hutch, as usual. Just to 'idiot proof' the tool, once you've processed the text you could set a flag so that subsequent presses of the Go button wont process the produced code as if it were text? Then they can press the New button to clear output and reset flag, thus enabling them to do more text?



Thanks, its a good idea. I thought about doing it on the way through but did not get around to it but it does make sense and should not be a big deal to get working.
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Quote from: Ghandi on January 05, 2010, 09:13:02 AM
Nice work Hutch, as usual. Just to 'idiot proof' the tool, once you've processed the text you could set a flag so that subsequent presses of the Go button wont process the produced code as if it were text? Then they can press the New button to clear output and reset flag, thus enabling them to do more text?

I feel so stupid.. I did just that. I was entered some junk. Then I was like ooo convert. *click*


-- HANG --

Btw cute GUI hutch ; )


Dont feel alone Slugsnack, how do you think i got the idea of doing this? I did the same thing, which was what brought me to use the term "idiot", i was labelling myself, nobody else. I was like "Oooh, cool"

Click... Click.... Click, click, click, hang.... "Oh".....
