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.While Replacement

Started by FlySky, December 22, 2009, 02:32:38 PM

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Hey there guys,

I am having this old snippet from MASM and it uses macros like .while.

.while ecx!=_searchsize

while ecx != not equals _searchsize. How would I code something like that in GoASM?

The .while statement generates code that executes the block of statements while condition remains true.

I have no idea how to transform that for goasm.

I tried sticking in a compare like cmp ecx, [_searchsize]
je >...

but that does not seem to work.


put int 3 in front of the .While, assemble in ML or JWasm and see what Olly can tell you...


    xor ecx, ecx
    nops 3   
    .while ecx != 1234h
        inc ecx
    nops 3

00401000 33C9                   xor     ecx,ecx
00401002 90                     nop
00401003 90                     nop
00401004 90                     nop
00401005 EB01                   jmp     loc_00401008
00401007                    loc_00401007:
00401007 41                     inc     ecx
00401008                    loc_00401008:
00401008 81F934120000           cmp     ecx,1234h
0040100E 75F7                   jnz     loc_00401007
00401010 90                     nop
00401011 90                     nop
00401012 90                     nop
eschew obfuscation


thanks MichaelW,

I debugged it and found the missing code added that to GoASM and it works like a charm now.

But isn't there any piece of code in GoASM that is a replacement for the .while macro?

Thanks for the input.


FlySky Jeremy said he's been working on adding builtin conditional statements,I was workin on a preprocessor to do it, but kinda stopped after I read his plans cause I didn't want my efforts to be for nothin. When I find out the status of that, I may finish mine up, as there's not much left to it, but yeah the way I did was just cmps/test and jmps(jne,je,etc...)


Runtime conditions are still work in progress I am afraid, but in any case they would not include "while".

Author of the "Go" tools (GoAsm, GoLink, GoRC, GoBug)