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Valid and useful number formats

Started by jj2007, December 21, 2009, 11:55:21 PM

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I am testing a Val() algo and would appreciate feedback on whether these formats a) are correct and b) cover the essential stuff.
Thanks, JJ

Quotetb1   db "12345", 0   ; D: 0-9, before and after <=32
tb2   db "$12345", 0   ; H: leading $
tb3   db "0x12345", 0   ; H: 0x
tb4   db "1234e5h", 0   ; H: trailing h, e is a number
tb5   db "10101", 0   ; D: 0-9, before and after <=32
tb6   db "10101d", 0   ; D: trailing d
tb7   db "10101e3", 0   ; D: trailing e with exponent (no h)
tb8   db "10101b", 0   ; B: trailing b
tb9   db "10101y", 0   ; B: trailing y
tb10   db "10101h", 0   ; H: trailing h
tb11   db "  -1.2345E-123", 0   ; Dec
tb12   db "  (  -1.2345E-123)", 0   ; Dec
tb13   db ".123E9", 0   ; D: valid
tb14   db "123.E9", 0   ; D: valid
tb15   db ".", 0      ; D: valid??
tb16   db "1.2", 0   ; D: valid
tb17   db "1.", 0      ; D: valid
tb18   db ".2", 0      ; D: valid
tb19   db "10101E", 0   ; invalid: trailing e but no exponent
tb20   db "just a text", 0   ; invalid
tb21   db "  (  -1.2345e-117) end of bracket ok?", 0   ; D:


maybe i am blind, but i didn't see octal in there (O/Q)


I don't know how far you want to go with error checking, but how about more than one decimal point, or a decimal point in an exponent, or an invalid character in a number (e.g. 012b)?
eschew obfuscation


Don't some languages use a comma as a decimal point?
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


yup, german does and swedish too i think, probably many more


Quote from: dedndave on December 22, 2009, 01:55:03 AM
maybe i am blind, but i didn't see octal in there (O/Q)
You are not blind, Dave :bg
I have rarely seen octal numbers in recent years, is anybody still using them?

Quote from: MichaelW on December 22, 2009, 02:12:33 AM
I don't know how far you want to go with error checking, but how about more than one decimal point, or a decimal point in an exponent, or an invalid character in a number (e.g. 012b)?
Michael, right now the assumption was that there will be no deliberately wrong numbers in the text to parse. For example, contains decimals and hex numbers, and occasionally an equate pointing to another decimal or hex number. ML.exe parses correctly, and would probably choke if there were two decimal points in a real number... so that is a valid point. Error checking could be done, at a performance penalty.


These formats are missing:

A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8