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A demonstration of indexed lookup

Started by Larry Hammick, December 13, 2009, 02:40:24 PM

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Larry Hammick

Quote from: z941998 on December 16, 2009, 06:10:23 AM
@Larry: Question:  Your first listing had a cmp 0A0Ah, if zero then exit out.  Does this mean a match was found?
Yes. The strings have been trimmed and the line-ends have been replaced with the line feed character 0Ah.

Larry Hammick


That zip contains the source code and build files for wordlist.dll,, wordlist.lib, and demo.exe. The dll contains the indexing and lookup routines, and demo.exe specifies a text file (included) of 90,000+ sorted strings, and calls the dll to look up specific strings or determine if they are not present.

Update: that demo breaks down for bigger text files, because of these errors in wordlist.asm:
    jc   short IL_look_higher
    movsx eax,word ptr[esi+8*ebx+4]
    jmp  short IL_adjust
    movsx eax,word ptr[esi+8*ebx]

Should be:
    jc   short IL_look_higher
    mov eax,[esi+8*ebx+4]
    jmp  short IL_adjust
    mov eax,[esi+8*ebx]

I used my old friend QBasic to generate a text file of 450,000+ "words", and after a test or two, I'll upload the demo for files of that size.

Okay, the above zip file is now corrected and contains the new and bigger word list.


Outstanding work  :U I tested and it seems to work correctly :bg this would be great on databases, I think with your permission Hutch should try and add to masm32 so all can benefit from blazing fast searches

Larry Hammick

Quote from: E^cube on December 25, 2009, 09:32:15 PM
Outstanding work  :U I tested and it seems to work correctly :bg this would be great on databases, I think with your permission Hutch should try and add to masm32 so all can benefit from blazing fast searches
Anybody can do anything he likes with that one.


I took the next step to creating an automatic platform for handling Trees/Indexed Lookups for my own library of tools.

I added a few extra features, like being able to control the terminator value when normalizing and added more compare routines (ones that can handle numeric data - integer format at this time).

I can load my test data, create the tree/index's with no apparent problems, however, when I perform the lookup, I am getting GPFs.

I think this is a result of not understanding how each designed level (ie: byte, word, and dword) of Trees/index's should be controlled.  I am thinking I may have an issue with creating the Tree and also the lookup to sync with the tree.

I need to get back on track, so have a crack and provide me your feedback.  See attachment.  Thanks Steve