Why is edit control message output so many times?

Started by hotrod, December 04, 2009, 09:59:04 PM

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The message connected to the edit control is output twice when loading and twice when clicked on, why and how correct? See attached. Thanks...

Thisa forum is not a paid help desk but it is a reference source so please do not treat it like that. I have removed the [SOLVED] tag and ask that it not be done again. !!!!


The two message send at creation are EN_UPDATE and EN_CHANGE. When you click inside the edit the EN_SETFOCUS message is send. Through theMessageBox the control lost the focus -> EN_KILLFOCUS.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Thanks qWord, it's working now. Got a question though, Is your operating system really 64 bit (qWord)? I am still running on 8.


Quote from: hotrod on December 05, 2009, 12:28:14 AM
Got a question though, Is your operating system really 64 bit (qWord)? I am still running on 8
really? - I'm sure you meant 32bit.  :bg
Currently I'm using both, 32 and 64bit OS (Vista...) - usage: 99% 32bit, 1% 64bit (only for development) .

regards, qWord (just some alias)

FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Just kidding about your use of qWord as username. I was considering Windows 7, but they need to spend a few months getting the busgs out and producing drivers that will work with it. I don't want to destroy my XP which hasn't given me any problems for a nightmare. Thanks for your help.