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MASM Forum or Me?

Started by Robert Collins, April 04, 2005, 09:17:09 PM

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Robert Collins

Over the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, I think I only got 1 or 2 forum topic replies. Today, Monday March 3, I turned on my PC, went into town for about 4 hours. When I got home I saw about 50 or so MASM topic replies stacked up in my inbox. WOW! I thought. Everyone is here today posting replies to my favorite topics. When I clicked on the links to the topics I was right back where I was several days ago. For example, the last post for one particular topic was March 22; 13 days ago!

I clicked on the links for the other topics and the same thing. All but one topic was many days old and in all cases I have already been there earlier.

Did something happen to the forum or is my DSL provider just now getting around to delievering stuff? Anyone else experience this situation? 



The forum runs on a high bandwidth FreeBSD server so its doubtful its a problem from this end. The forum software does not have delayed delivery of emain notification and I cannot think of anything else.
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Robert Collins

It was really strange. Even as I was posting that message more email replies came in and I clicked on each topic link just to wind up where I have already been several days ago. I wonder if my DSL provider is having a problem and how on earth can they 'store' up old replies then release them all at once is a mystery to me. Oh, well, another internet boo-boo somewhere


SMF, maybe?  How exactly is this site hosted, Hutch?  Do you own the server or buy hosting?


My inbox also got flooded with old mail from the forum.  I sent a PM to Hutch about it but it was ignored or maybe he wont get it until next month.   :lol :lol



Quote from: hutch-- on April 05, 2005, 01:16:58 AM

The forum runs on a high bandwidth FreeBSD server so its doubtful its a problem from this end. The forum software does not have delayed delivery of emain notification and I cannot think of anything else.

No hutch--.
The forum software have delayed delivery of email notification in some topic replies a month ago,
on about a month.
Yesterday,I received these notifications all at once.




There is no facility in the forum software to do what has happened so there is little else than a problem with the server. The provider does from time to time change things without notification but I have carefully climbed all over the options in the administration and there is nothing that will do this. It has probably been bottlenecked somewhere and just released in one lump.
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Hi guys,

Read the Jargon File at in the entries "netburp" and "netlag", it talks about the IRC, but it may be what appened here.

By the way, I love to read this lexicon just for fun, I even had a downloaded copy in my home pc, (I still used swithed line at home)

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