Strange window behaviour with WM_SIZING processment

Started by xandaz, November 17, 2009, 11:49:19 PM

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    Hi again guys. Once more here i expose my ignorance in hopes of enlightenment.
    I was processing WM_SIZiNG message to allow child windows to grow as the main window grows and children grow except they keep showing the borders of the original size along with the ones that grow. I tried WS_CLIPxxxxxx styles but it does nothing. Can someone help me out? How can i get past this?

    best regards .... xandaz
    Bye guys and thanks


Check the behaviour of the attached example, stolen from MasmBasic. The example uses WM_SIZE, not WM_SIZING.


   Hey JJ. Thanks man. That damn thing was happening because i'm a very distracted person. I forgot i sometimes put stuff that i want to test directilly in WinMain proc beacause its easier to follow it in Olly. I've put the children creation calls there for testing and forgot to remove them, so, when i processed WM_CREATE to create the children i was actually creating a second set of children. Because the second creation of children overtook the handle variables, only the second set was grouwing or or diminuishing when WM_SIZING. I'm sorry for any trouble i caused you jj. I hate to think you may have gone a little out of your way for me because my lack of attention.
   Thanks for the help anyway.
   best regards ... xandaz


My pleasure, xandaz. I just posted a sample of standard processing, no serious effort involved. :bg