Types of Help files displayed in RadAsm

Started by Grant, October 26, 2009, 03:46:02 AM

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Hi. let me start off by saying that I am only learning assembler. Reading books and examining code from others. So be gentle ::)

I am curious why the RadAsm ide, without any help Addins, stumbles over *.chm files when F1,ctrl-F1,shift-F1 or ctrl-shift-F1 is pressed with the cursor in the editor window.
RadAsm displays these help files perfectly well when the "Help Menu" is used. So I started rooting around in the source and came upon this section and would like a bit of help.

In the RadASMI.inc there is a group of listings describing file types in the .data section that includes this
line # 1060  FTHlp               db '.hlp',0
Does this mean when the help program is invoked it will only expect *.hlp style help files?

Or am I way of the mark?

