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Updated QE and Topgun editors VERSION 2.

Started by hutch--, October 02, 2009, 12:51:34 PM

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I have done a mod on both editors to restrict the startup width so that they do not start up so wide on wide screens. On both editors the reported memory in the about boxes has been fixed for machines with more than 2 gig of installed memory.

I have modified QE to avoid a problem when some forms of software that use system hooks prevented QE from starting. I have fixed a minor display issue with Topgun that I doubt anyone ever noticed.

No melodrama, installation or settings changes, just overwrite the earlier two editors with these two, just copy them into the MASM32 directory and they will work.

Please NOTE that this is the fixed version, the first version posted had a bug in its command line handling.
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Thanks hutch,
That's something that's been annoying me for ages, but I didn't like to say so :bg
Now can you tell me if there is a way of stopping QE from always opening up full screen, I can't find a setting.



You must have a desktop setting that overrides the code in QE as it normally starts as a Window at a ratio of the screen size. Just open the desktop icon and change the setting and it should do the job.
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Thanks hutch, I must be getting old should've known it was a windows setting, anyway that's fixed it  :U



I made replaced put the new versions in place over the old
versions of QE and TG.

I did notice something odd.

I am used to having QE load all of my ASM,RC and INC
.EXt files by just clicking on the file itself and it loads.

When I installed the fixed verion of QE it returned an error
saying it could not find the file.

Here is the actual message!

"Sorry, can not find file [C:\masm32\examples\advanced\msort]"

When I went back to the old version (not the update) it works

In the giant shceme of things  I can just use QE like it is
but I thought that you might want to know.  I might be the
only person in the universe that likes to click of files by extention
then bring them up so this is probably not that big a deal.

I really like the editor I am just used to clicking on the file and
loading it in the editor.




Strange, I did not change the code that handles command line and it works perfectly on my XP Sp3. Is there a way to check your file associations to make sure it is not adding some j8unk to it ?
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Thanks Hutch:

I tried it only home computer and got the
same error message(WinXPSP3).

This is one of those deals that are not worth
the efffort to pursue.  I should have not even
brought this to your attention.

I did notice that when I click on the file it
beeps and then QE loads.

I probaby have both of my systems messed

I will check the permissions and check in
later on with an update.




Shouldn't there be an extension, too? Attached a command line tester - associate with the file extension, and launch your files.
If you expect the editor to load several files with the same body but different extensions, you might want to write a separate launcher...

include \masm32\include\

.data? ; non-initialised variables
buffer db MAX_PATH dup(?)

mov esi, offset buffer
invoke GetCL, 1, esi ; 1=valid argument
print "The commandline: ["
print esi, "]", 13, 10, 10
inkey "Press any key"

end start


What I was trying to say ws that I use QE for files extensions
of .asm,.rc,and .inc separately of course.

When I click on a myprog.asm file with my current QE it loads
the file just fine.  When I use the upgrade I get a beep and
the error message and then it just loads QE without the file.

I am saying to myself do I really care anyway?  The answer is
no because the old QE suits my needs perfectly and I will be
the first to say I probably have something messed up on my
system to make the upgrade work that way. 

When I use Hutch's upgrade I get the error message.  I am not
implying or saying that there is anything wrong with Hutch's
upgrade, just that for some reason i get the error message.

I probably already put more effort into this then it was worth.

Again I am perfectly happy with the old QE I am using but
inquireing minds want to know sometimes..





JJ is correct here, the file name displayed in the error does not have an extension and that will trigger the error as it tests if the file exists. It would be very useful for me to know what the problem is and it may be something as simple as an Explorer setting hiding the extension. I have it set up on 4 seperate machines here, 3 x Win2000 and the current box is XP Sp3 and it works correctly on all 4 boxes but I set them up in much the same way.

I go to the Folder Options dialog, clear the option "Hide extensions for known file types" in VIEW. Recently after installing VS2008 it stole all of the file extensions I had set up for QE so I had to go to the Folder Options dialog under "File Types" and delete the VS ones and set up QE again for asm, inc and rc and it seems to work best of you delete out all the references to ASM and create a new one.

I use QE in exactly the same way as you do, from the file system, I personally use the WinNT 4 File manager as its much faster to use but all of the settings apply to Explorer as well.
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Well, those who have problems could shift-rightclick an asm file and select "open with", then make windows *always* use Qeditor to open this extension. Could work.


Hmmm, I've got the same problem - Sorry, cannot find file [ "f:\asm\heaptest\heaptest.asm" ]
Tried changing the associations, deleting and recreating them but no joy.

Quote from: BlackVortex on October 06, 2009, 01:29:42 AM
Well, those who have problems could shift-rightclick an asm file and select "open with", then make windows *always* use Qeditor to open this extension. Could work.
Nope, same thing happens.
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Happens here, too, something goes wrong with FindFirstFile.

EDIT: It seems to be because windows passes the filename with ""

EDIT 2: Yep, Qeditor tries to use FindFirstFile wih :
0012F9A4   00141EF8  |FileName = ""C:\masm32\work\testbed\testbed.asm""


I tried Hutch's suggestions but it still works the same way.

I do have the file extension with the error message now where
I am pretty sure the extensions were not their before in the
error message.

Once I click on the msgbox then QE does load.

Again I repeat it is not that big of deal but I do not understand
why the correct path is printed out but it says it can not find it.

It looks like BlackVortex may be on the correct path.




Hutch, when you load a DLL in the editor, and select Tools ->dis-assemble DLL
you get an error," Can't open file 'L:\masm32\bin\Test.exe'" if Test was the name of the DLL.
It is getting the extension wrong.

God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO