Looking for free Z80 disassembler - Not a hacking request!!

Started by vanjast, September 29, 2009, 08:15:10 PM

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I've recently started a new job with this company that has some really old equipment, that they developed yonks ago, say about 20 years back.
Of course there is no documentation - zippo, nothing, nudder... except a pcb with a Z80, 8255 PIO, ICL7104 (A/D), 8251 comms..etc
This equipment is still in the field - which I found unbelievable....

The short story - We need to upgrade the pcbs... the firmware is on the eproms (2716s :dazzled:) so I can redocument the stuff and convert the code to another modern processor. Just need a decent Z80 disassembler.

I've scanned the net, and downloaded a few files. IDA is too expensive for a single one-off.
If anybody can provide links... that would be great.



What about this very old freeware version of IDA ? It supports z80.


I think it's a DOS exe, I can't tun it on my OS.


I remember I have used MONS as the primary disassembler on my ZX Spectrum+, and GENS as the assembler. If you have ZX Spectrum emulator, try it out :)
Check also the www.zilog.com page, they should have something for the old and new Z series.
