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HIDE 1.0.3 error

Started by DarkWolf, December 23, 2004, 02:40:22 AM

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I receive a ' unhandled exception ' error when attempting to run HIDE 1.0.3

Using XPH SP2
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Thanks DarkWolf,

The problem is probably in the Data\hide.ini file.  Was this an upgrade or full install?


Heh.  I really have to upgrade to an XP soon.  It's pretty difficult guessing what might be causing problems on newer OS.

Please try this test upgrade.  If the problem persists, try deleting the Data\hide.ini file

[attachment deleted by admin]


Well, Kain, it sound like it's a simular problem I have when running SavageEd. I open up a new window and get an unhandled exception error from HLA (and yet I can still save my work :eek).


I'll be getting an XP 64-bit box pretty soon.  I should be able to isolate those Win2k + related problems.



Hello DarkWolf,

Are you Maverick? You are using the same avatar as him (Though I have not seen him posting on win32asm forum for a long time).


Kain: I receive the error when using the full package not the upgrade, I'll check the one you posted.
        I don't get the same error with SavageEdit that noDot mentioned ???

roticv: I'll be honest, I copied that pic from a poster either here or on win32asm I can't remember.
          Maverick, sorry that's not me, I don't think that who it was but I can't remember anyway.
          I try to use a ' wolf ' related name where I post unless I may have already used something else.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.


I tried the upgrade posted and the error still occurs.
Also tried removing the hide.ini file from /DATA .
That did not fix the error either.

Are spaces in the paths of hide.ini allowed in this version ?
I can execute HIDE immediatly from the folder Winzip places it in
but not in the one I placed it. The only difference is that I placed
it in a directory that has spaces. I have also unzipped it to that
directory and the error still occurs. It also seems to not like the
length of the directory path. This can be a problem in XP because
user directories are found under ' c:\documents and settings ' and
that can take up most of the length. It seems to cut my username
in half in one of my attempts.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.


So to get this straight: It works in the default directory, but doesn't run in paths with white spaces?

There does exist a limitation in directory paths.  HIDE needs to be in folders with no white spaces and not too deep (though it always manages to run on my machine).

The limitation of the white-space in folder names is due to an oversight in one of the tools.  I'll fix it for the next release.

The nesting limitation will remain though as HIDE is a front-end for command line tools and those tools are sometimes called with long path names.  As an example, each time HLAPARSE is called, a path to the temp file is included on the command line.  It would require a revamp of the code and pulling some tricks to get around this problem (or maybe convince Randall to do a small fix to HLAPARSE.EXE for us).


Thanks for your report, DarkWolf.

I have now made it possible to execute HIDE and compile projects from folders that contain white-spaces, even if they are nested relatively deep in your system.

Here is the HIDE 1.03f fix that should solve your problems.

I tested it from this folder on my system:
C:\My Documents\Kain\HLA FILES\HIDE\HIDE.exe

So it shouldn't have a problem with your XP user folder (I hope).
Please test it out and let me know how it goes.

note: when creating new projects in HIDE, you should still use project names that have no white spaces, as I haven't tested for this.

[attachment deleted by admin]


All is good.

MS always does things their way.
Hope you have luck with 64-bit XP.

No problem with project names with whitespace so far
but I won't tempt fate for now. : )
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hide crashes when attempting to cut and paste in the code editor.
WinXP reports an error in RAEdit.dll

occurs when I either use the context menu or the keyboard to copy text.

oddly the second time it also shutdown zone alarm  ?? : (


Where can documentation for the various ' po ' tools be found.
I have had this error as well but apps still compile and run

' POLINK: warning: /SECTION:.bss ignored; section is missing. '

If it's really not hide causes the problem with cut and paste i'll post this in RADasm's forum.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.


PellesC and associated documents can be obtained at the website:

It's a really nice C IDE and I've been using it to learn some C.

The .bss warning just comes along because the default linker response file contains a .bss section which is not used most of the time (and HLA output for FASM doesn't use it at all).  The linker is informing you that it is ignoring that section.  No harm at all.  If you want to silence it, you can edit the linker options in HIDE:

Go to Options-> Compiler Settings -> Advanced.  Delete the .bss,RW line from the Sections list box.

If you delete it while in "No Project" mode, HIDE will change the default behavior of all new projects.

hide crashes when attempting to cut and paste in the code editor.
WinXP reports an error in RAEdit.dll

occurs when I either use the context menu or the keyboard to copy text.

oddly the second time it also shutdown zone alarm  ?? : (

This is odd.  I haven't been able to reproduce this error on any of my machines (XP, 98, ME).  I even tried from a couple of locations.  I'll keep an eye out for it.


Thanks for the link I'll check it out.

All I can say about the RAEdit problem is just highlight the text to copy
and either use the right-click ( context ) menu or use crtl+c and HIDE will freeze
and XP gives me the ' closing this app ' error box.

When I look at the ' technical details ' it tells me the problem is in the RAEdit.dll module.
I'll post in the RADasm forum and see what happens.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.