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Access Denied to int 16h (AH=00)...?

Started by ekisner, August 26, 2009, 02:27:55 PM

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So, I took some assembler courses in college about 5 years ago and have decided to get back into it - I love that the language is so low-level.

To that effect, I started with the basic hello world and had no trouble writing to the screen.

Next up, I wanted to make a program that would simply accept input from the keyboard and write it to the screen... see the following code seg

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none



    xor eax,eax
    mov ah,00h
    int 16h
    MOV AH,0Eh
    INT 10h

;    mov ax,4c00h
;    int 21h
;   Not working yet, but I can probably google the "exit process" interrupt
end start

The program compiles and links properly, however when I run it in CMD I get "access denied" returned to me.  No idea what I'm doing wrong?

Am coding on an XP Pro x64 computer... is that possibly why?

The reason I'm using bios interrupts is because I have a thing for making my own code.. rather than importing libraries and using call/invoke.  It's a personal preference.  Don't want to use the Win32 API if possible.


if you want to write 32-bit programs, there is no avoiding the API
INT xx are DOS/BIOS function calls that simply will not work in win32
they will only work in 16-bit programs
i suppose if you wanted to, you could write a 16-bit program that switches to protected mode
but, that is a lot of work with little gain
16-bit programs are becoming obsolete
newer OS's won't run them at all
another approach might be to write a 32-bit program with ring0 access and get at the BIOS calls
again - a lot of work with little or no gain


While you get back into the swing of things, there's no shame in just writing a 16-bit program and running it under the Windows emulator (virtual-86 mode).  It does a pretty good job of emulating the basic I/O calls, but some of the more low level ones are hit and miss.  You'll need to get the 16-bit linker to do so, though.  But, as was said, the Win32 API is the only way to do things under 32-bit

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


That is most unfortunate - and it seems that I'm actually trying to do 16 bit programming (which if I remember the usage terms of these forums means that this topic is in the wrong thread.  Sorry.)

Ah well, I guess I'll just have to get used to using the Win32 API... thank you for the answers, both of you.


well - if you are trying to write 32-bit code......
right forum - just the wrong code - lol
welcome to masm32


just a little nitpick :

xor eax,eax
    mov ah,00h

if you are xor'ing eax with itself then eax is zeroed from that and therefore also ax/ah/al. so the second instruction is redundant