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Using Bell (Hex 07)

Started by carlottagp, August 01, 2009, 09:33:31 PM

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I am trying to generate a beep when a program is finished;  for a long string of prime
numbers the program takes a few minutes to complete.  Placing 07H in my output
buffer doesn't work; can someone suggest another way of doing this, or identify my




try this one...

        mov     al,7
        int     29h



   Or try:

        MOV     DL,7
        MOV     AH,2    ; DOS Console output function
        INT     21H     ; repeat as needed

   Slightly more standard than INT 29H.

Steve N.


Thanks for both suggestions;  the int 29h works, and now I'll try the second suggestion.



the difference is:
INT 29h output cannot be re-directed
INT 21h output may be redirected (functions 2 and 9)
so, if someone wants to create a text file of the output:

C:\> MyProgram >output.txt

the text will go to the file
the bell will go to the speaker, not the file

if you were to disassemble DOS:
INT 21h, function 2 and 9 test for redirection
then, if the output has not been redirected, those functions use INT 29h to put the character(s) on the screen

on a side note, using INT 10h (BIOS) functions to output characters to the screen are also never redirected
if you have ANSI.SYS loaded, DOS INT 29h and INT 21h output passes through the ANSI filter
BIOS INT 10h functions do not pass through the ANSI filter
the ANSI filter allows characters to be re-mapped, positioned, or attributes set

by selecting the function, you may control which characters are redirected and/or filtered



   Some of what Dave said didn't quite sit well, so I wrote up a
program to see what happens.  And of course I read through
some references that don't quite sound alike.  But all's well
apparently.  Notes in the proram comments.  Done without
much double checking, so report any errors.

   Obsolete or superceded, function 2 is easier to use than its
replacement.  The BIOS functions need some getting used to.


Steve N.

        PAGE ,132
        TITLE TestOut
        NAME  TestOut
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Test various ways of outputing a character, SRN 8 August 2009.
; Question posed (more or less) by comments from MASM Forum deadndave.
; Note possible redirection and control functionality.

; MASM TestOut;
; LINK TestOut;
; EXE2BIN TestOut.EXE TestOut.COM

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        ORG     100H ; COM file opening
        JMP     Setup

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Data for main program.

Hello   DB      '    Test various ways of outputing a character.  A beep'
        DB      ' or bell {7}, ', 13, 10, ' a tab {9}, and a hack {92} '
        DB      ' will be output for each method.', 13, 10, 13, 10
        DB      ' Hit a key to progress between tests.',13, 10, '$'

First   DB      13, 10, ' Int 29H, "Fast Console Output" ', 13, 10, '$'
Second  DB      13, 10, ' Int 21H, 02H Display Character ', 13, 10, '$'
Third   DB      13, 10, ' Int 21H, 06H Direct Console I/O ', 13, 10, '$'
Fourth  DB      13, 10, ' Int 21H, 40H Write File or Device ', 13, 10, '$'
Buffer  DB      ?
Fifth   DB      13, 10, ' Int 10H, 0AH Video BIOS Write Character ', 13, 10, '$'
Sixth   DB      13, 10, ' Int 10H, 0EH Display Character in Teletype Mode ', 13, 10, '$'

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Main program, setup.
        MOV     AX,CS   ;\ If run as an EXE...
        MOV     DS,AX   ;/

        MOV     DX,OFFSET Hello
        MOV     AH,9    ; DOS Out String Fn
        INT     21H

; - - - First way, by deadndave. - - -
; Int 29H undocumented fast console output function.
; ref. deadndave and "Undocumented DOS" 2nd ed.
; A wrapper around the BIOS 0EH output function if ANSI.SYS not
; loaded, will use ANSI.SYS if it is loaded (untested).
; Not redirected.

        MOV     AH,10H  ; Read Extended Keyboard Input function.
        INT     16H     ; BIOS Keyboard interrupt.

        MOV     DX,OFFSET First ; message.
        MOV     AH,9    ; OUTSTR
        INT     21H

        MOV     AL,7    ; Output character in AL
        INT     29H     ; fast console output interrupt.
        MOV     AL,9
        INT     29H
        MOV     AL,92
        INT     29H

; - - - Second way. - - -
; Int 21H Display Character function 2.
; ref. "Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference" version 5.
; M$ lists this as 'superseded'
; Will use ANSI.SYS if it is loaded.  Redirected.  Tabs expanded to spaces.

        MOV     AH,10H  ; {Just used for a pause.}
        INT     16H

        MOV     DX,OFFSET Second ; message.
        MOV     AH,9
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,2    ; CONOUT
        MOV     DL,7
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,2    ; <= In practice, doing this again is not needed,
        MOV     DL,9    ; but it is a good idea as, theory says, register
        INT     21H     ; contents might not be preserved.

        MOV     AH,2
        MOV     DL,92
        INT     21H

; - - - Third way. - - -
; Int 21H Direct Console I/O function 6.
; ref. "Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference".
; M$ lists this as 'superseded'
; Redirected.  Tabs not expanded.

        MOV     AH,10H  ; pause.
        INT     16H

        MOV     DX,OFFSET Third ; message.
        MOV     AH,9
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,6    ; DRCIO
        MOV     DL,7
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,6
        MOV     DL,9
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,6
        MOV     DL,92
        INT     21H

; - - - Fourth way. - - -
; Int 21H Write file with handle function 40H.
; ref. "Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference".
; M$ lists this as the preferred way, to replace 'superseded' functions.
; Redirected.  Tabs not expanded in redirected file, expanded to console.

        MOV     AH,10H  ; pause.
        INT     16H

        MOV     DX,OFFSET Fourth ; message.
        MOV     AH,9
        INT     21H

        MOV     DI,OFFSET Buffer ; Put the character into a buffer.
        MOV     BYTE PTR [DI],7

        MOV     AH,40H  ; WRITEH
        MOV     BX,1    ; Handle, 1 = Standard Output.
        MOV     CX,1    ; Byte count.
        MOV     DX,OFFSET Buffer
        INT     21H

        MOV     BYTE PTR [DI],9
        MOV     AH,40H  ; AX (at least) needs to be refilled as it
        MOV     BX,1    ; contains a return value.
        MOV     CX,1
        MOV     DX,OFFSET Buffer
        INT     21H

        MOV     BYTE PTR [DI],92
        MOV     AH,40H
        MOV     BX,1
        MOV     CX,1
        MOV     DX,OFFSET Buffer
        INT     21H

; - - - Fifth way. - - -
; Int 10H write character at current cursor position, function 0AH.
; ref. "Computer Shopper's Best of TECH Help!", "Programmer's Guide to
; PC Video Systems"
; Non-DOS BIOS video function.   Note: Use Fn 09H when in graphics modes.
; References disagree about fn 0AH usage in graphics mode.
; Not redirected.  Beep and tab printed over unless you update the cursor.
; Beep and tab printed as symbols.

        MOV     AH,10H  ; pause.
        INT     16H

        MOV     DX,OFFSET Fifth ; message.
        MOV     AH,9
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,0AH  ; Write Character
        MOV     AL,7
        MOV     BX,0    ; BH = video page number (0-based)
        MOV     CX,1    ; repeat count.
        INT     10H     ; Video Int.

        MOV     AH,03H  ; Get Cursor Status
        MOV     BX,0    ; BH = video page number (0-based)
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,02H  ; Set Cursor Status
        MOV     BX,0
        INC     DL      ; Cursor Column
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,0AH
        MOV     AL,9
        MOV     BX,0
        MOV     CX,1
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,03H
        MOV     BX,0
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,02H
        MOV     BX,0
        INC     DL
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,0AH
        MOV     AL,92
        MOV     BX,0
        MOV     CX,1
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,03H
        MOV     BX,0
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,02H
        MOV     BX,0
        INC     DL
        INT     10H

; - - - Sixth way. - - -
; Int 10H Display Character in Teletype Mode, function 0EH.
; ref. "Programmer's Guide to PC Video Systems"
; Non-DOS BIOS video function.  BL used in graphics modes.

; Not redirected.
; Bell, backspace, linefeed, and carriage return are treated as control.
; Tab printed as symbol.

        MOV     AH,10H  ; pause.
        INT     16H

        MOV     DX,OFFSET Sixth ; message.
        MOV     AH,9
        INT     21H

        MOV     AH,0EH  ; Write Teletype
        MOV     AL,7    ; ASCII bell code
        INT     10H     ; Video Int.

        MOV     AH,0EH
        MOV     AL,9
        INT     10H

        MOV     AH,0EH
        MOV     AL,92
        INT     10H

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Exit processing.

        MOV     AH,4CH  ; DOS 2+ End Program
        MOV     AL,0    ; return value
        INT     21H     ; Exit to DOS

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        END START


QuoteSome of what Dave said didn't quite sit well
was it something i said ?
did it work as expected, Steve ?
i think INT 29h is documented - you just have to look at the right document - lol
by reading your references, i'd say you could use a set of Ralf Brown's Interrupt List files


Hi Dave,

Quote from: dedndave on August 08, 2009, 03:34:18 PM
was it something i said ?

   Sort of, Why would ANSI work when redirection doesn't?

did it work as expected, Steve ?

   After reading up, sorta.  Kinda.  So I wrote the program to filter
out the bats in the belfry.

i think INT 29h is documented - you just have to look at the right document - lol

   Well yes.  But not by Microsoft.  Many "unofficial" sources do.  But,
as M$ doesn't, it's "undocumneted".  Perhaps a nit pick.

by reading your references, i'd say you could use a set of Ralf Brown's Interrupt List files

   Got them thanks.  The "Undocumented DOS" appendix is essentialy a
hard copy of an early version.  Ralf Brown is one of the authours.  At one
time I had the list all set up nicely.  That got eaten somewhere along
the line.  Probably ought to restore it...


Steve N.


QuoteSort of, Why would ANSI work when redirection doesn't?

as i said before, DOS INT 21h functions 2 and 9 (and others) use INT 29h to output characters to the screen

            <--------- no      yes --------->

years ago, i wrote an ANSI.SYS driver for VGA displays (i.e. VGAANSI.SYS)
i added the function of a screen-saver that blanks the (DOS) screen after so much time of inactivity
for the screen saver, you could configure the timeout duration and which BIOS INT's would cause the screen to un-blank
also, i added the ability to control the size of the sequence and key reassignment buffers
in that driver, i wrote an INT 29h handler
it was documented in ms ansi.sys device driver documentation that you had to do so in order to handle esc sequences
so, it was documented by ms, just not in a very obvious place - lol
i probably have a copy of the source someplace if anyone is interested