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Health care for Seniors

Started by shankle, July 31, 2009, 03:10:34 PM

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Hi Hutch,
God I hope your are right. I'm scared to death. I'm well aware of all the misinformation being propagated.
I don't trust the foreigner in office and don't like what I see. Not that the Republicans are any better.
Put the entire Congress on this HC bill and see how fast they would change it. Their our servants and why should they
have anything different than the rest of us. I won't hold my breath until it happens.
These illegal aliens need to be sent back to where they came from and not be given free HC.

I don't believe our Congress has enough smarts to come up with a workable HC bill. IMHO everything I have seen coming out of Washington in the last couple of decades has been designed to bring this country to its knees.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress



If it dawns on some of them that the country IS on its knees, then just maybe they will change the health care system to make it work. I have no so far minded what I have seen with Obama, the last US president I liked was John Kennedy and IKE before him and its been pretty purile inbetween. Think what the alternative was, poor old John McCain and Sarah Dumbcluck and you would probably be in civil war by now. No amount of moose stew would have solved that problem.

If everything was going well you would never get any change but as a lot of people are in deep sh*t with money, health, housing, employment and the like, it just might happen. You can expect the losers who PHUKED the US economy to try for a comback so they can do it again but I don't like their chances at the moment. It will only take the unhinging of a few of the big parasites and the money equation will change enough to fix the economic problems, big oil, big pharma, the military/industrial complex and so on and the US will fly again.

We both may see it yet Jack.  :U
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i liked Jimmy Carter a little - at least his head was in the right place, even though he was ineffectual to getting anything done
but, the last president i really liked was Lincoln
before that, Ben Franklin might have made a good president
but, i think he was too smart - you could have never talked him into taking the job

Bill Cravener

Quote from: shankle on August 08, 2009, 01:55:13 AM
I don't trust the foreigner in office and don't like what I see.

You one of them Birthers Jack.

Quote from: shankle on August 08, 2009, 01:55:13 AM
These illegal aliens need to be sent back to where they came from and not be given free HC.

Them and all the Black and Asians too, right Jack? And oh, lets not forget all them Muslims.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


by all accounts, 99% of us are foriegners - lol
i am part English/Irish/German/French - i guess i don't really have a country   :(
i do have a tiny bit of Cherokee in me - so, my little toe is at home in the US
i always try to look for the bright side in things

Bill Cravener

Quote from: dedndave on August 08, 2009, 11:03:41 AM
i am part English/Irish/German/French - i guess i don't really have a country   :(
i do have a tiny bit of Cherokee in me - so, my little toe is at home in the US

Me too!  :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


My comment about aliens was about people coming into this country illegally. NOT anything else.
That should be stopped and they should be sent back to where they came from.

If it's good enough for us it's good enough for CONGRESS.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


well, i agree - congressmen and senators should be sent back where they came from
but, the downside is, there will be 700 more lawyers

Bill Cravener

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


with the economy the way it is, as well as the rest of the world
an early end-of-life plan may not be such a bad idea
i've had a good run
had the love of my life
jumped out of airplanes
saved a few people along the way
played with all kinds of technical gadgets
if ya shoot me now, i did ok - lol
if ya wait a few years, my score-sheet might start to suffer


A.S.A.W. - Join Now !!! (aka how to get health care from a government that doesn't want to give it)
The Association for Seniors with Automatic Weapons

and, finally...
"I'll shoot him in his toodles" (notice the camo jacket - like she's gonna hide her wheelchair in the bushes)

EDIT - that second gal scares me - bad attitude AND more fire-power than i can afford
the first gal - what scares me there is the wig - looks like that gal from "Dilbert"


I dunno about you guys but I was born in OZ, my dad was, his dad was and the one before that was born in England. By my calculation that makes me 1000% Australian and modest about it.  :bg
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i thought you might be a Brit - lol
what part of England is your family from, Hutch ?



A marriage certificate dated 1838 from Elm Canbridgeshire, family show up in 1941 census as husband, wife and first son. 1851 census has a widow with 3 sons. Mother died of cholera in 1854 in Wisbech Cambridgeshire. Her father brought the three orphans to Australia in late 1854 from Liverpool, landed in Melbourne in early 1855 from a sailing ship called the Almora.
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Bill Cravener

My mother and fathers American ancestry began back in the med 1700's. Most came to the northeast to work the coal mines. Over those many years there has been plenty of mixing. I like to refer to my ancestry as Heinz 57, a blend of many good flavors. . .:lol
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat