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C Forum

Started by Robert Collins, March 26, 2005, 02:29:03 AM

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Robert Collins

This is a great site and I love it and I am getting more and more into assembly as time goes on but I also need to learn C (job related assignments suggest that I get smart in C also) so I was wondering if anyone knows of a good forum (hopefully as good as this site is) for people interested in programming in C.



We do in fact have a dedicated forum for C programming and I can promise you there are some very good C programmers floating around here. many of the C / C++ forums I have seen are terrible but one comes to mind that is not and is well run, its the forum for Pelle's C compiler.

The real risk with some of the others floating around is they have shifted to MFC / bloat style code that is garbage in comparison to what a C compiler can output if its well writen and you may get you head bitten off for wanting anything different. Mention assembler and you will probably get kicked out.  :toothy
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James Ladd

I have done a lot of C and if you start posting in the C forum here (where ever that is), then I would reply.
C is great and knowing assembler first is a great benefit. I did it the other way around.
I think that MFC is a little bloated as Hutch suggests but the underlying C compiler in Visual Studio is good.
You can also use GCC which is excellent and in places it produces very quick code.

Robert Collins

OK, thanks. I'm not all gung-ho over C++ but I do like the purity of 'C'. As far as C++ goes, I refrain from it as much as possible and stick to straight 'C'. I am a VB programmer where I work but have recently tried to encourage my boses to allow assembly and they have agreed to allow me to use it on certain projects but even then I find myself getting involved in 'C' mainly because the company has a very strict policy about DLLs (which I have mentioned here before) which must be written in 'C'. Most of the 'C' written DLLs are in conventional 'C' (only a few are in C++ and thank goodness none that I have seen use MFC). I really like assembly because that is how I started out but I fell that the company doesn't share my interest as much as I do because they fell it is much to detailed and not a popular business programming language and I am the only programmer there that they have allowed to even use assembly and that brings up the problem of not having others there to debug assembly code in the event of my absense.

So far, people here at Masm Forum have been very helpful to me in both assembly and 'C' questions. I just wish that I was at the capacity of having just half the knowledge of many of the others here so I could start giving something back. 

James Ladd

It is very common for a company to acknowledge the capacity of a language, like Assembler yet still require people to code in a more
"market" acceptable language. The typical reason is as you have noted that they can get people who know how to code in that
language more easily than others.
Personally Id hire a VB progarammer who knew C and/ or assembler before I hired one that knew VB alone.
Good luck with your C work.



Hard to find a single good forum IMO. Either newbies answering newbie questions, where only some of the answers are correct, or a lot of (self-appointed) experts telling others they are wrong. In general - just wrong. Not very helpful. Try post in this forum, and several good people will try to help.



Hi Robet,

We have subforums under the title Compiler based assembler You can post there your questions abıut integrating C with assembly.