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Need some help with my richedit editor..

Started by travism, July 07, 2009, 11:02:59 PM

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Im writing this editor for my brainfck interperter that I finished, And I noticed there is some bugs in the editor when saving. And I am having some trouble tracking it down... Ive checked the stream in and stream out procs aswell as the save bits to make sure they are being changed right, and then only on some files does it mess up and not save but then on some it does... Ive included the source if anyone would like to help..

[attachment deleted by admin]


Would like to but your project seems to rely on environment variables:

*** Assemble, link and run BrainFckw ***

Res/SettingsDlg.rc(2) : warning RC4005: 'IDC_STC1' : redefinition
Res/mainMnu.rc(7) : warning RC4005: 'IDM_LINE' : redefinition
Res/mainMnu.rc(12) : warning RC4005: 'IDM_LINE' : redefinition
Res/mainMnu.rc(17) : warning RC4005: 'IDM_LINE' : redefinition
Res/mainMnu.rc(24) : warning RC4005: 'IDM_RUN' : redefinition
Res/mainMnu.rc(25) : warning RC4005: 'IDM_LINE' : redefinition
Res/mainMnu.rc(29) : warning RC4005: 'IDM_LINE' : redefinition
Res/FindTextDlg.rc (21): warning RC2182 : duplicate dialog control ID 4006
*** Assemble using \Masm32\bin\ml /nologo /c /coff  /Fl /Sn /Fo "BrainFckw" ***
Assembling: tmp_file.asm : fatal error A1000:cannot open file :


Interesting, I haven't set any... it assembles fine for me :\


Quote from: travism on July 09, 2009, 06:01:29 PM
Interesting, I haven't set any... it assembles fine for me :\

include C:\masm32\macros\macros.asm

My Masm32 installation is on D:
Use this, and it will assemble for everybody:
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\macros\macros.asm



Hi travism,
Will you please post an example of a file which will not save?
I have tested the editor and have tried several combinations of content and have no saving issues.


Seems there is a problem with writefile
StreamOutProc proc readFile:DWORD,rBuffer:DWORD, nBytes:DWORD, nBytesWritten:DWORD
   invoke WriteFile,readFile,rBuffer,nBytes,nBytesWritten,0
   xor eax,1
StreamOutProc endp

nBytesWritten must be the address of a dword where the function put the result of is writing

[out] Pointer to the variable that receives the number of bytes written. WriteFile sets this value to zero before doing any work or error checking.
If lpOverlapped is NULL, lpNumberOfBytesWritten cannot be NULL. If lpOverlapped is not NULL, lpNumberOfBytesWritten can be NULL. If this is an overlapped write operation, you can get the number of bytes written by calling GetOverlappedResult. If hFile is associated with an I/O completion port, you can get the number of bytes written by calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus.

If I/O completion ports are used and you are using a callback routine to free the memory allocated to the OVERLAPPED structure pointed to by the lpOverlapped parameter, specify NULL as the value of this parameter to avoid a memory corruption problem during the deallocation. This memory corruption problem will cause an invalid number of bytes to be returned in this parameter


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on July 10, 2009, 07:59:27 AM
Seems there is a problem with writefile
nBytesWritten must be the address of a dword where the function put the result of is writing

nBytesWritten is supplied by the OS. Travism's code looks correct to me. I use the same in RichMasm.


provided or not by the system,must be passed as an address.
But the callback pass it as an adress,so it's good.
To be more clear,here is a sample showing how to write data from the richedit.

o_save PROC  pfile:DWORD
         Local  retour:DWORD
         LOCAL      EditS:EDITSTREAM
         LOCAL    hFile:DWORD   
         LOCAL   HandleEdit:DWORD
       mov retour,0
   ;create an empty file
      mov edx,eax
      invoke MessageBox,NULL,edx,SADR("CreateFile failed"),MB_OK
      jmp     Findeo_save
   mov     hFile, eax
   mov     EditS.dwCookie, eax      ;
   mov     EditS.dwError, 0
   mov     EditS.pfnCallback, offset EditStreamWrite  ;l
   mov TotaliseEcriture,0
   INVOKE     SendMessage,Hredit, EM_STREAMOUT,SF_TEXT,addr EditS      
   INVOKE     CloseHandle, hFile
   .if TotaliseEcriture == 0
      invoke MessageBox,NULL,SADR("Failed Writing in an open file ? "),
                  SADR("Nothing write by EditStreamWrite"),MB_OK
      mov retour,0
      PuPo retour,TotaliseEcriture

         mov eax,retour
o_save endp

EditStreamWrite PROC PRIVATE  dwCookie:DWORD, pbBuff, cb, pcb
   ;enregistrement par petit paquet
   INVOKE     WriteFile, dwCookie, pbBuff, cb, pcb, 0
   mov edx,[pcb]
   add TotaliseEcriture,edx
   mov eax,0
EditStreamWrite ENDP